Star Trek

Star Trek news
  • Created By: Gene Roddenberry
  • Launched On: September 8, 1966
  • Studio: Paramount
  • Tagline: Space, the final frontier…

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Latest Star Trek News & Rumors

Paul Giamatti Joins Anticipated Star Trek Series

Paramount has kept most of the details of the upcoming Starfleet Academy show under wraps, leaving fans to furiously speculate …

2 months ago

Star Trek Showrunner Admits He Did A Bad Job With The Best Villains

It’s rare to find a successful creator in Hollywood who is willing to admit his past mistakes. That’s why we …

2 months ago

Star Trek the motion picture special effects

The Real Miracle Workers Behind Star Trek The Motion Picture

In the fictional world of Star Trek, Scotty quickly established a reputation as a “miracle worker” who could accomplish the …

2 months ago

star trek

Beloved Star Trek Series Removes Problematic Reference

Star Trek: Voyager is a beloved show, but it had more than a few problematic references courtesy of relying on …

2 months ago

star trek latin

Star Trek Keeps Trying To Revive A Dead Language

A major plot point in the final season of Star Trek: Discovery was that one character wanted to find the …

2 months ago

Throwaway Star Trek Line Secretly Pays Off Much Older Episode

One of the reasons that we love endlessly rewatching our favorite Star Trek shows is that we often discover cool …

2 months ago

Star Trek’s Confusing Timeline Fixed By Forgotten Episode

In Star Trek, the Neutral Zone typically refers to a territory separating Federation and Romulan territories from one another. It …

2 months ago

The Star Trek Line That Was The Writers’ Cry For Help

Star Trek is a franchise filled with great lines that fans love to quote, including everything from “beam me up” …

2 months ago

Hilarious Star Trek DS9 Outtake Straight Out of Fan Fiction

While it has moments of hilarity and even a dedicated comedy show (we’re going to miss you Lower Decks), Star …

2 months ago

captive pursuit

The Classic Story That Inspired The Best Star Trek DS9 Season 1 Episode

Sometimes, Star Trek wears its literary influences on its sleeve, like when Picard quotes Shakespeare or when Q forces the …

2 months ago

Star Trek DS9 Scariest Villains Foreshadowed By Forgotten Character

In Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, the scariest villains were the Jem’Hadar, genetically engineered warriors who served as the alien …

2 months ago

The Worst Star Trek DS9 Episode Got Writer To Join The Show

For a while, Star Trek: The Next Generation and its spinoffs had an open-door policy on scripts, which gave a …

2 months ago

star trek: deep space nine feature

Star Trek Actor Imitates His Onscreen Villain

Star Trek is a franchise filled with many larger-than-life characters, and most are very different from the actors who brought …

2 months ago

Beloved Star Trek DS9 Character Ties Into History’s Worst Monsters

In Deep Space Nine, few characters are quite as complex as the shapeshifter Odo. Even before we discover his connection …

2 months ago

Star Trek Icon Underestimates Popularity Of Fan Conventions

Even before Comic-Con became part of every geek’s vocabulary, there was another kind of gathering that made genre nerds hanging …

2 months ago

the curse movie

The 1980s Horror Adaptation With A Star Trek Icon, Stream Without Netflix

After Star Trek: The Next Generation co-star Wil Wheaton had his breakout role in the 1986 sleeper hit Stand by …

2 months ago

star trek

The Actress Who Loved Star Trek Making Her Bald

She’s not exactly a household name among fans, but Persis Khambatta will forever have a place in Star Trek history …

2 months ago

The Star Trek Actor So Beloved The Police Had To Get Involved

Star Trek: The Original Series had a talented cast full of beloved actors, and fans have gone to great lengths …

2 months ago

jonathan frakes

Jonathan Frakes Is Trying To Manifest Star Trek: Legacy

Jonathan Frakes is hopeful that Star Trek: Legacy, a proposed spinoff of Star Trek: Picard, which would continue the story …

2 months ago

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Star Trek Icon Regrets Not Giving A Necessary Hug

At this point, the fact William Shatner angered many of his old Star Trek costars has become pop culture legend. …

2 months ago

william shatner star trek

William Shatner Getting Typecast From Star Trek Was Part Of The Plan

A common problem that many celebs face is getting typecast, which turns early successful roles into an acting albatross that …

2 months ago

stephen collins star trek

Star Trek Helped One Icon Find A Career In Public Service

As Sulu in Star Trek, George Takei became a mainstream celebrity whose popularity has only grown over the years. However, …

2 months ago

The Cynical Reason Paramount Invested In The First Star Trek Film

To this day, one of the most impressive things about Star Trek: The Motion Picture is how much money Paramount …

2 months ago

Star Wars Ninjas Are A Long Time Coming

Many people think of the original Star Wars as a Western and John Favreau certainly channeled the genre when creating …

2 months ago

Star Trek Would Have Been Canceled Forever If Not For Disney Icon

Normally, fans don’t think about Disney when they think about Star Trek (at least, not until the House of Mouse …

2 months ago

A Conspiracy To Kill Beloved Star Trek TNG Character?

In Star Trek: The Next Generation, the most puzzling thing about Tasha Yar’s death has been just how disappointing it …

2 months ago

Gene Roddenberry Revealed As The Worst Star Trek Fan?

Because Gene Roddenberry created Star Trek, one would generally assume that he was its biggest fan. However, in a 1976 …

2 months ago

The Acolyte Is The Most Star Trek Thing Star Wars Has Ever Made

Fifteen years ago, J.J. Abrams rebooted Star Trek by making it more like his favorite sci-fi franchise, Star Wars. Now …

2 months ago

Star Trek TNG Tasha Yar Death Is So Shocking Because Of Gene Roddenberry

Without a doubt, the most shocking moment in the first season of Star Trek: The Next Generation was Tasha Yar’s …

2 months ago

The Star Trek Fan Club Involved In A Major Heist

Most Star Trek fans know the major role fan clubs have played in keeping the franchise alive. Long before the …

2 months ago