A High School Horror On Netflix Teaches Teens To Not Hang Out With Old People

By Steven Nelson | Published

ma netflix

Ladies and gentlemen, gather ’round as we unravel the tale of Ma, where the fabulous Octavia Spencer reminds us of a golden rule that some of us seem to have forgotten: If it seems too good to be true, especially in the form of free pizza and basement parties thrown by an adult, it probably is! 

Come along for this rollercoaster ride as Spencer takes us to the wild side of adulting, teaching a group of unsuspecting teens why you should always, and I mean always, stick to partying with people your own age.

Octavia Spencer stars in the thriller movie Ma streaming on Netflix

Because let’s face it, no amount of free Wi-Fi is worth entering the eerie basements of the adult world, especially when that world is helmed by the award-winning Spencer in her creepiest role yet. Buckle up, it’s going to be a spooky ride!

In Ma, Octavia Spencer portrays Sue Ann, a lonely veterinary assistant in a small town. When a group of teenagers, including Maggie (Diana Silvers) and her friends, ask her to buy alcohol for them, Sue Ann sees it as an opportunity to make some new, younger friends.

Rather than simply purchasing the booze, she offers her basement as a safe space for the teens to party, but with a few ground rules: one of which is to never venture upstairs.

As the teenagers continue to party at Sue Ann’s house, her behavior starts to change. They begin to realize that their host might not be as kind and generous as she initially seemed.

Dubbed “Ma” by the teens, Sue Ann becomes increasingly obsessed with them, especially with Maggie. Delving into Sue Ann’s past reveals a connection to some of the teens’ parents, hinting at a history of trauma and a desire for revenge.

Sue Ann’s basement, once a sanctuary for teenage partying, transforms into a nightmarish trap. As Ma’s actions escalate, the teens must find a way out of her dangerous web of obsession and vengeance before it’s too late.

The film masterfully unravels the mysteries of Sue Ann’s past and her motivations, showcasing Spencer in a chilling role that’s a departure from her typical characters.

Octavia Spencer is in a chilling role that’s a departure from her typical characters

Ah, the age-old conundrum teens face: To party or not to party, especially when that party is at a mysterious adult’s basement. You’d think that after countless movies like Ma, the lesson would be clear—avoid basements at all costs, especially if they belong to adults you barely know!

Let’s put it this way: If an adult is overly eager to be pals with a group of teens, it might not be because they’re trying to relive their “cool kid” high school days. More likely, they missed out on those days for very good reasons.

Jokes aside, it’s always worth remembering that genuine friendships are built on mutual understanding, shared experiences, and trust. It’s a bit odd, to say the least, if a 40-something wants to crash a teenage house party. 

Yes, adulthood can be a drag, but that doesn’t mean adults should be dragging teens into their mid-life crises. Moral of the story? Teens, if an adult offers you free pizza and Wi-Fi in their mysterious, dimly-lit basement—just order delivery and Netflix at home instead. The pizza might cost you, but at least you won’t end up in a real-life horror movie scenario!

After all the suspense, jump scares, and side-splitting moments of “Why would you do that?!” Octavia Spencer’s unforgettable performance in Ma stands out as a masterclass in both horror and dark humor. This isn’t just another run-of-the-mill thriller; it’s a cautionary tale sprinkled with humor, reminding all of us about the perils of misplaced trust. 

So next time you’re tempted by that seemingly harmless invitation from a charismatic stranger, remember Ma’s basement and think twice. Or just stay home and rewatch Ma on Netflix – it’s undoubtedly safer, and you’re guaranteed a good laugh and a good scream. Cheers to the horror gems that remind us to stay on our toes!