The Most Popular Anime In The World Determined By Science

By Nina Phillips | Published

jujutsu kaisen

There are many good anime out there, but according to information collected from one data and science firm, none do quite as well as Jujutsu Kaisen, especially in 2023. This anime series is extremely popular, even beating out other amazing animated shows that have dominated the top of the leaderboards.

How They Made Their Choice

The information came from Parrot Analytics, a data and science firm. The company determines demand based on the desire, viewership, engagement, and attention a TV series gets. To calculate these numbers, the system tracks billions of points of data every day, including social media hashtags, likes, and shares, the number of people who search for and research a show through websites like MAL and IMDb, and how many viewers stream, download, and buy episodes of Jujutsu Kaisen.

This information is tallied up at the end of the year, with some actions that require more effort, such as actually watching the show, weighing heavier than a like or a mention on social media.

Insanely More Popular Than Most TV Series


Based on these rankings, Jujutsu Kaisen had a global demand rating 71.2 times higher than the average TV series in 2023. This even beat other popular anime, such as One Piece and Attack on Titan. The rankings were high enough for Guinness World Records to officially list Jujutsu Kaisen as the most popular new-generation anime.

Jujutsu Kaisen Started Off Slow

Gojo inside the Prison Realm in Jujutsu Kaisen

This series started rather low on the ranking list throughout the first half of the year, whereas One Piece remained relatively constant for the entirety of 2023. Jujutsu Kaisen was neck-and-neck with Attack on Titan for a while, but the surge in popularity in December made them the winner for 2023.

Some of the popularity comes from the new seasons. Jujutsu Kaisen released the second season last July. The episodes aired weekly until December.

This explains a lot of the surge in popularity during the second half of the year, with it reaching peak demand on December 29, at 128 times the demand of the average show.

Gen Z Drove The Numbers

For many anime, Gen Z — those born between 1997 and 2012 — accounts for a large portion of the viewership. For Jujutsu Kaisen, roughly 71 percent of the views are Gen Z, while the numbers drop for One Piece (56 percent) and Attack on Titan (64 percent). The high viewership from young adults is likely what pushed Jujutsu Kaisen to first place.

Jujutsu Kaisen

jujutsu kaisen

For those who haven’t yet seen the show, it’s an action and adventure anime currently consisting of two seasons, though a third is on its way. Jujutsu Kaisen focuses on a boy who swallows a cursed talisman in the form of a demon finger and ends up becoming cursed himself. He must learn to control his powers and the demon inside him until he can remove the curse.

According to MAL, the show has a score of 8.61 and is ranked #83 with a popularity ranking of #14. Fans often like Jujutsu Kaisen due to its creative power system, stunning animation, and great voice cast, amongst other reasons.

Source: Guinness World Records