Former Marvel Star Jumps Over To DC Series
A former Marvel star is making her way over the DC on a current series. And she's taking her talents from on-screen to behind the lens.
This article is more than 2 years old

These days, though there is clearly an on-screen rivalry between the two big comic book houses, DC and Marvel, that doesn’t necessarily extend off-screen to the different talents. We’ve seen different folks move between the two studios, whether it be director or actors, and there is clearly a talent overlap that works well for both. One of them is Elizabeth Henstridge who used to have a gig with Marvel and now has moved over to work with the rival. She is currently directing an episode of Superman & Lois and was clearly excited about the new gig.
Elizabeth Henstridge posted a picture to her Instagram feed of her on set for Superman & Lois, pumped to be in the director’s chair for an episode of the series. While it isn’t clear which episode she will oversee for the series, it’s coming down the pike with that show currently ramping up for its second season. Check out what Henstridge posted on social media, referencing that her episode has major implications for the series.
This isn’t the first directorial work for Elizabeth Henstridge, though she is pretty new to the game all things considered. She did helm an episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. a couple of years ago. That was “As I Have Always Been” which was the ninth episode in the final season. The series ended up going off the air just a few weeks later. She also directed Live with Lil! Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. though this was more of a q&a web series that involved talking to fans of the original show. This work on Superman & Lois is significantly more involved of course.
On Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Elizabeth Henstridge played Jemma Simmons. She’s a biochemist who works for the outfit and is critical to more than a few different storylines especially when it comes to the analysis of alien life forms. She was on the series for the entirety of its run which last seven seasons and 136 episodes. Because it aired on ABC, it wasn’t clear where exactly it fits in with the Marvel Cinematic Universe canon, though of course there were overlaps. Most notably, Clark Gregg as Phil Coulson. There is some chance, with that series now off the air that we see characters reintroduced to the main Marvel timeline. For instance, there have been rumors that Chloe Bennett will be reprising her role as Quake in the MCU.
With Elizabeth Henstridge working on Superman & Lois, she jumps into a series that saw a successful first season on The CW. It scored well with critics, sitting at 88% on Rotten Tomatoes, and works a rather new story for our favorite Kryptonian as he navigates family life with Lois and their kids. Ratings were solid for the first season, averaging more than 1.5 million viewers per episode on the network. This is a solid turnout for a series like this and it’s easy to see why they came back for round two. The second season is set to air on January 11, 2022, with a presumed 15-episode run to mirror the first.
And as for on-screen work for Elizabeth Henstridge, she’ll be taking part in the upcoming series Suspicion. It is set to air on AppleTv+ and will star Uma Thurman. Filming concluded last spring and we should see it on the streamer in short order. It is based on the series False Flag, though it is unclear if it will follow exactly the same story arc around that one, dealing with the assassination of a high-ranking Dubai official at the hands of the PLO.