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star trek nebulae

NASA Releases Star Trek Nebulae Images

NASA‘s Spitzer Space Telescope captured two images that are now being referred to as Star Trek nebulae. The nebulae, named …

11 months ago


Space Race Heats Up With Another Country Sending Mission To The Moon

A new challenger has entered the Space Race. As reported by The Byte, Japan is the most recent country to …

11 months ago

oxygen on mars

Scientists Have Been Making Breathable Oxygen On Mars

NASA’s Perseverance rover has been exploring, collecting samples, and conducting experiments on Mars since 2021. Scientists have successfully generated breathable …

11 months ago

black hole

Black Holes Burping Out Stars, Stumping Scientists

Black holes have long stumped astronomers with their unpredictable behavior. New research states that half of all these strange regions …

11 months ago

black holes

Watch A Black Hole Swallow A Star In Terrifying Video

You may sometimes feel hungry enough to eat a horse, but how about a star? NASA recently released findings of …

11 months ago

Watch The Stunning Footage Of A Satellite Burning Up In Earth’s Atmosphere

The European Space Agency (ESA) has just released images of the re-entry of the Aeolus satellite, which was de-orbited in …

11 months ago

Strange New Structures Discovered On Mars, Sign Of Life?

Mars is our friendly red neighbor, so it’s not surprising that the dusty red planet has long inspired intrigue and …

11 months ago

mars oxygen

Historic First Brings Mars Colonization Closer Than Ever Before

In February 2021, NASA’s Perseverance rover, carrying a small device named MOXIE, landed on Mars. The small device aimed to …

11 months ago


Multiple Asteroids Headed Toward Earth, Impact Imminent?

Forbes reports that there are a number of asteroids passing by Earth this week, and depending on your outlook on …

11 months ago

jupiter flat

Shocking Footage Of Unidentified Object Crashing Into Jupiter

Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and thus has quite an impressive gravitational pull. Naturally, that means …

11 months ago


Movement Detected On The Moon

India’s historic Chandrayaan-3 mission to the Moon’s south pole is already providing lots of interesting data, including the fact that …

11 months ago

NASA Removing Space Junk With Giant Trash Bags?

When parents give their children an allowance for chores like taking out the trash it’s usually a lot less $850,000. …

11 months ago

First Alien Object On Earth Confirmed?

Avi Loeb, the head of Harvard University’s Galileo Project, has just achieved something no human on Earth has ever done …

11 months ago

Pulsar Eating Another Star And Shooting Cosmic Cannonballs

Pulsars are strange little stars. While still classified as stars, Pulsars are actually “corpses” of stars—highly magnetized, rotating neutron stars …

11 months ago

nasa jupiter ganymede

Mysterious Crash On Jupiter, See The Explosive Video

Space.com reports that astronomers spotted a burst of light coming from Jupiter that is the result of a comet or …

11 months ago

Three Amazing Moon Discoveries Just Happened Almost All At Once

It would seem like we should know almost everything about the moon at this point. After all, we (as humans …

11 months ago

Scientists Find Planet Denser Than Steel, How Is It Possible?

Astronomers have located a new planet with a density greater than steel. According to ScienceAlert, the exoplanet has strange characteristics …

11 months ago

space collision

NASA Harvests Life-Threatening Asteroid Thanks To Rock And Roll Legend

While the rest of us are living regular lives and simply trying to survive this crazy world, NASA is out …

11 months ago


Moon Rover Makes Amazing Discovery While Hunting For Water

With the world working together to come to a better understanding of what’s beyond the Earth, the Indian Space Research …

11 months ago

whirlpool galaxy

Whirlpool Galaxy Discovered And It’s Breathtaking To See

The James Webb Space Telescope has captured some impressive visuals but nothing that compares to their latest subject—The Whirlpool Galaxy. …

11 months ago

Blue Origin Rocket Spews So Much Methane It Can Be Viewed From Space

According to a recent report from Bloomberg, Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin rockets are regularly emitting enough methane that their pollution …

11 months ago

moon trees

You Can Now Plant Moon Trees From Outer Space

Buying your loved ones (or yourself) a star has long been a way to show your eternal love for another. …

11 months ago

china moon

India Successfully Landed On The Moon

According to a recent report from Reuters, India’s Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft has successfully landed on the moon, making the country the …

11 months ago

black holes

Scientists Witness Mysterious Vortex On Nearby Planet, Is Earth In Danger?

As telescope technology continues to evolve and improve, scientists are able to more meticulously research planets like Neptune from Earth …

11 months ago

Jeff Bezos’s Blue Origin Rockets Are Now Polluting Space

Methane, a potent greenhouse gas, plays a substantial role in the climate crisis and has been attributed to over a …

11 months ago

Another Country Is Attempting Moon Landing After Russia’s Massive Failure

According to Science Alert, scientists are ready to make another giant leap for mankind as one country is getting ready …

11 months ago

Planet’s Clouds Mysteriously Disappear And Scientists Are Baffled

Science Alert reports that planet Neptune has seen a significant reduction in the amount of clouds in its atmosphere, and …

11 months ago


Russian Spaceship Crashes On The Moon

A Russian spaceship has left its mark on the moon – literally. ScienceAlert reports that a probe known as the …

11 months ago

The Mystery Behind Deep Space Question Mark Captured By The James Webb Telescope

Myriad mysteries loom in the cosmos, but some are cheekier than others. As reported by NPR, the James Webb Space …

11 months ago

planets explode

Gravitational Waves Ripping Apart Whole Planets?

While most nerds are content to argue over whether Batman could take Wolverine in a fight, the ones at the …

11 months ago