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NASA Studying How To Profit From The Moon

Earth’s moon is an essential natural satellite for a number of reasons, like stabilizing our climate, causing tides, and providing …

11 months ago

The Sun Has Wiped Out Clouds On One Planet, Could Earth Be Next?

Changes in the sun’s activity seem to have caused Neptune’s clouds to vanish. According to New Scientist, this change in …

11 months ago

The True Darkness Of Space Can Now Be Measured

Is it ever really dark out? Even in the middle of the woods on a moonless night, light pollution from …

11 months ago

meteor insurance

The Record-Setting Meteorite That Was Being Used As A Doorstop

One of the largest meteorites ever recorded in Michigan went completely unnoticed by the experts for more than 80 years …

11 months ago


Astronauts Stranded In Space, Can They Return To Earth?

After their docking spacecraft took damage, two Russian cosmonauts and an American astronaut have been in orbit six months longer …

11 months ago

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Newly Discovered World Is Confusing Scientists

We now have the technology to investigate worlds that are 260 light-years away, which is how we discovered the planet …

12 months ago

Habitable Planets May Be Devoid Of Life Due To Stellar Winds

Many science fiction movies and television shows have toyed with the idea of strong stellar winds, resulting from coronal mass …

12 months ago

mars life

Mars Rover Finds Incredible Possibility Of Life

The Jerusalem Post recently published a piece speculating about the presence of Mars life based on recent discoveries with the …

12 months ago

space tourism

The Space Race Is Back On With Russia’s New Lunar Mission

The space race sequel is here, and Russia just might beat everyone to the punch this time around. According to …

12 months ago

space tourism

Space Tourism Company Doesn’t Actually Send Anyone Into Space

Virgin Galactic made headlines this week when it launched its first-ever all-tourist space flight. There was just one problem, however: …

12 months ago

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Scientists Find Two Stars So Close The System Fits In Our Sun

A recent report by The Open Journal of Astrophysics reveals the discovery of two unique stars operating in a binary …

12 months ago

nasa black hole

Time Travel Through Wormholes Now Possible?

Whether you find yourself laying awake at night crippled with anxiety regarding the embarrassing errors of your past, or just …

12 months ago


Scientists Puzzled By Meteorite That Crash Landed On Earth

Scientists studying a 1.4-pound meteorite found in Morocco several years ago say the object appears to be of terrestrial origin. …

1 year ago

Non-Human Body Recovered From Crashed UFO, See The Video From Government Hearing

 If you thought that alien excitement was calming down, think again. Whistleblower, David Grusch, a former intelligence official, took the …

1 year ago

Scientists Find Mysterious Deep Space Radio Signal Broadcasting For 30 Years

Typically speaking, rotating neutron stars (known as pulsars) are known to emit radio waves at regular intervals, ranging from seconds …

1 year ago

rogue planets

Scientists Believe Rogue Planets Are Flying Through Our Universe

Anyone who’s ever played D&D knows that rogues are sneaky, and rogue planets are no exception. According to The Byte, …

1 year ago


Scientists Discover Planets Behaving In A Way Never Seen Before

Astronomers think it’s possible that they’ve discovered evidence of a Trojan planet system—a system in which two planets share the …

1 year ago

Scientists Find Two-Faced Star Unlike Anything Else In The Universe

Space is a weird place, and so much of it is unknown to us that we’re bound to sometimes find …

1 year ago

Scientists Are Terrified Of Space Sex

Just last month, Virgin Galactic completed its first commercial space flight, and we’re not far off from regularly recurring sub-orbital …

1 year ago

steve carell space force season 2

Netflix Streaming Options If You Love Space

As they say, space is the final frontier, and there is still a vast amount of our ever-expanding universe that …

1 year ago

space debris

Space Junk Is Starting To Wash Up On Beaches

Plenty of stuff washes up on beaches, but it’s not every day you see a massive hunk of space junk …

1 year ago

New Star Is Cooler Than A Lighter Flame, Here’s How

Astronomers have found a star, 37 light-years from Earth, cooler than a lighter flame but still producing radio waves. According …

1 year ago

The Man In The Moon Much Older Than Predicted

Live Science recently reported that our original calculations about the “man in the moon” are off by about 200 million …

1 year ago

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Congress Is Meeting Over Government Secretly Hiding UFOs

Was E.T. based on a true story? That’s what Congress aims to find out through a recently announced hearing on …

1 year ago

star arms

Scientists Discover Star With Tentacle-Like Arms

Scientists have long known that there are stars out there that copy our galaxy’s spiraling formation with a set of …

1 year ago

Suns From The Dawn Of Time Discovered?

Three celestial objects have been spotted in the depths of the Cosmic Dawn. The discovery is unique because these objects …

1 year ago

The Universe Is Much Older Than We Thought?

If the latest reports from sources such as Science Alert are to be believed, we may be a few candles …

1 year ago

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Strange Heat Blob Discovered On The Moon Has Scientists Puzzled

Scientists have discovered an abnormal blob of heat on the far side of the Moon. This strange thermal anomaly is …

1 year ago


Scientists Have Found The Most Metal Planet In The Galaxy

Astronomy & Physics reported that scientists have discovered a far-off and highly metallic exoplanet that boasts a baffling composition in …

1 year ago

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SpaceX Angers Scientists By Blocking View Of The Universe

SpaceX satellites are emitting low-frequency radio waves, which could disrupt astronomical research as the waves present as luminous streaks in …

1 year ago