Outer Space

Latest Space News
NASA Observes Jellyfish Galaxy In Beautiful Hubble Photo
The Hubble Space Telescope captures the clearest photo yet of JO206, known aptly as the jellyfish galaxy.
Tatooine Planet Discovered Orbiting Twin Suns
Scientists found a planet that, like the iconic Star Wars planet Tatooine, is orbiting twin suns.
Golden Asteroid Worth More Than Earth’s Entire Economy Is Being Visited By NASA
NASA is sending a spacecraft to a golden asteroid that might be a rogue planetary core.
Brightest Cosmic Burst Since The Big Bang Observed And There’s Something Strange Going On
A gamma-ray burst from 2.4 billion light years away is the new brightest object of all time.
Betelgeuse Is Much Brighter Than It Should Be And Scientists Are Stumped
The red supergiant star Betelgeuse is shining 50 percent brighter than usual.
Milky Way Signals From Galactic Center Are Aliens Saying Hello?
Scientists are looking somewhere new for potential alien signals: our galaxy’s center.
Scientists Find Structures In Space That Are Light-Years In Length
Scientists discover hundreds of one-dimensional filaments in space.
Faintest Galaxy In The Universe Discovered
The faintest galaxy in our universe, JD1, dates back to the cosmic dark ages.
The Tractor Beam Is No Longer A Sci-Fi Fantasy
Researchers have found a way to build a system for real-life tractor beams to haul objects in space.
NASA Is At War With China Over Moon Water
NASA worries China may annex the Moon as it has islands in the South China Sea.
Saturn’s Moon Surprises Scientists With Potential For Life
Enceladus, a moon of Saturn, was found to contain water vapor.
North Korea Satellite Launch Ends In Complete Failure
North Korea’s attempts to launch a spy satellite into orbit has failed.
The Soot Line Is A New Area Where Habitable Planets Can Exist
A scientific study of the soot line suggests we should explore this region of space for possible habitable planets.
Scientists Discover Earth Has A Hidden Moon That’s Been Around For Centuries
Scientists have discovered a second moon of Earth, an asteroid designated 2023 FW13.
A Star Went Supernova And It’s So Bright Anyone Can View It
A star went supernova in a galaxy close enough, anyone with a telescope can watch it explode for months.
Space Tourists Have A Problem Using Toilets In Zero-G
Private astronauts on the International Space Station are having difficulty adjusting to zero-gravity toilets.
NASA Is In Trouble For Spending An Obscene Amount To Reach The Moon
NASA is billions of dollars overbudget, and years behind schedule, for the Artemis Moon program.
Virgin Galactic Finishes Final Test Before Offering Tickets For Space Travel
Virgin Galactic conducted a milestone spaceflight on May 25, marking one of its final hurdles before offering commercial spaceflight services.
Black Hole Missing Link Found In Our Galaxy
An intermediate-sized black hole shows researchers how the strange obejcts grow and develop.
Monster Stars That Make Our Sun Look Puny Discovered
Evidence of monster stars 10,000 times the mass of our Sun have been located in deep space.
Asteroid Belt Reveals Water Vapor For First Time In History, Is There Life?
Water vapor was discovered on a massive comet in our solar system’s asteroid belt.
Scientists Want To Launch A Wooden Satellite Into Space, Will It Work?
A satellite made of wood will launch into space next year to be more sustainable, without leaving metal parts in Earth’s atmosphere.
Researchers Now Know The Shape Of Our Galaxy And It’s Totally Different Than Originally Thought
It was long thought that the shape of the Milky Way Galaxy branched into four arms, but scientists now believe it’s made only of two armed spirals.
Astronomers Discover Super Earth But There’s One Strange Thing About It
A Super Earth discovered by scientists has more mass than Earth but a shockingly low density for unexplained reasons.
Space Rock Worth $25K If You Can Find It On Earth
A space rock that landed in Maine is worth $25k to anyone that can find it.
Comet With Water In Asteroid Belt Discovered, And There’s Another Mystery
A comet was found to contain water, but it has no CO2, baffling scientists.
NASA Shares First Images Of A River On Mars
NASA found evidence on Mars of rivers.
Saturn Just Shocked Everyone By Revealing A Ton Of New Moons
Scientists have discovered over 60 more moons orbiting Saturn than previously spotted.
Largest Cosmic Explosion Ever Observed And It’s Baffling Scientists
Scientists observed a massive cosmic explosion 100 times the size of our solar system.
A Meteorite Struck The Earth And Landed In The Strangest Place
An object believed to be a meteorite blasted through the roof of a New Jersey house.