
the moon

Latest Moon Stories


NASA Abandons Moon Mission For The Most Depressing Reason

NASA’s Moon rover, known as Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover (VIPER), sadly won’t see any action since NASA decided to …

1 day ago

NASA Cancels Moon Mission, Vehicle Being Scrapped For Parts

NASA officially has canceled its Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover (VIPER) project which was intended to search for ice at …

3 days ago

Moon Cave Discovery Key To Lunar Colonization?

It has long been talked about that humans could one day live on the Moon, but even after all the …

1 week ago


Netflix Fantasy Adventure Epic Blockbuster Is One-Of-A-Kind Adaptation

Gamers and fantasy devotees need look no further than Netflix for their next fix: the streaming platform sports 2016’s Warcraft …

3 weeks ago

Stonehenge Moon Event Straight Out Of Horror Movie, How To See It Happen Live

If you find yourself vaguely reminded of a horror movie, your feelings are understandable: the world’s most famous megalithic structure …

1 month ago


Gateway Is Humanity’s First Lunar Space Station

The long-held dream of humankind being able to live on the moon is inching closer to reality. As welding is …

4 months ago


The Moon Is Getting Its Own Time Zone

In a fascinating move, the White House has given a directive to NASA to create a standard Moon time by …

4 months ago

A Moon Railroad Is Actually Being Planned, All We Know About The Lunar Express

All aboard! We’re building a lunar express. In a bid to revolutionize lunar exploration and establish a sustainable economy beyond …

4 months ago

The Moon Is Getting Plants In Just A Few Years

Humans first walked on the moon on July 20, 1969. Now, in 2026, NASA is sending a new team out …

4 months ago


The Speech President Nixon Never Delivered, In Event Of Moon Disaster

The Apollo 11 mission to the Moon, which took place in 1969, marked one of the key moments in space …

4 months ago

Interlune Plans To Be First Company To Mine The Moon

Ever since mankind first took to the stars, it has been a dream for many scientists and engineers to terraform …

4 months ago


Russia And China Building Nuclear Power Plant On The Moon

Russia and China have plans to establish a nuclear power plant on the moon between 2033 and 2035. The two …

5 months ago

moon lifeforms

Moon Infected With Lifeforms After Space Accident?

In a development leaping straight from the pages of sci-fi, a space accident from over five years ago might have …

5 months ago

Earth’s Extra Moons May Hide Solar System’s Oldest Secrets

Scientists have begun putting increasing effort into looking at extracting material from Earth’s moons to try and learn more about …

5 months ago


Asteroids Carrying Water On Surface Discovered For First Time

Asteroids in our Solar System have long been considered devoid of water due to the harsh conditions of space. However, …

5 months ago


The Moon Is Shrinking And Causing Dangerous Moonquakes

We normally don’t consider the moon a source of extraterrestrial danger. Comets—yes; but the lunar body—not so much. However, a …

6 months ago


Space Agency Bringing The Moon’s Surface To Earth

Setting foot on the moon is a dream for most people, but the European Space Agency is at least making …

6 months ago

Private Lunar Lander Burns In Atmosphere

The Peregrine lunar lander, a privately developed spacecraft from Astrobotic Technology, met its demise on January 18 after lingering in …

6 months ago

space tourism

Star Trek Moon Lander Is In Scary Trouble

Astrobotic’s ambitious lunar mission has encountered problems just hours after its historic liftoff from Cape Canaveral with a six-foot Peregrine …

7 months ago

NASA Experiment Shows Signs Of Life From One Planet’s Moon

The latest groundbreaking experiments from NASA have planned to identify signs of life in Saturn’s icy moon, known as Enceladus. …

8 months ago

The Moon Is Becoming A Military Hotspot: What Is Going On?

In recent years, an unlikely focus has emerged in the realm of militarized space exploration, research, and funding: the Moon. …

8 months ago

Apollo Samples Reveal Incredible Connection Between The Sun And Moon

The sun and the moon are two of the biggest visible objects in our sky, but it turns out the …

8 months ago


US Returning To The Moon After 50 Years reports that an unmanned spacecraft named Peregrine will be landing on the moon on January 25, 2024. Peregrine was …

8 months ago

moon lunar water

Lunar Water Harvesting Possible Thanks To Awesome Discovery

According to a shocking and exciting new write-up from, NASA scientists have uncovered evidence of hydrogen molecules within moon …

8 months ago


Lunar Base Finally Made Permanent?

Despite significant technological advancements and a renewed interest in lunar exploration through NASA’s Artemis program, the dream of establishing a …

8 months ago


Mysterious Lunar Swirls On The Moon Finally Explained?

Swirling patterns etched into the lunar surface may have just revealed a significant clue about their origin. Research led by …

8 months ago


China Slams Vehicle Into The Moon

China has been found to be the source of a mysterious crash on the moon, a case which has now …

8 months ago

One Of Our Solar System’s Moons Could Create Life?

Universe Today reports that Saturn’s moon, Enceladus, may have the perfect ratio of elements to sustain life. Over 790 million …

9 months ago

Moon Chunk Breaks Off And Is Orbiting Earth

With so much debris floating around the Earth, it’s hard to believe that scientists can keep up with it, let …

9 months ago