
the moon

Latest Moon Stories

Researchers Find Evidence Of The Planet That Crashed Into Earth To Form The Moon

Back in the 1970s, scientists first hypothesized that the moon was formed when another planet, now called Theia, collided with …

10 years ago

saturn moon

Pluto May Have A Subsurface Ocean, Saturn May Be Forming A New Moon

Some of you might have woken up on April 1 to find that Pluto had been reinstated as a planet. …

10 years ago


The Moon Will Get A Blood Bath On April 14-15th

If you have a penchant for looking skyward, especially at night, looking at the stars, dreaming of what’s waiting out …

10 years ago

shaun of the dead 8 bit

Shaun Of The Dead, Total Recall, And More Represented In Nifty 8-Bit GIFs

Earlier this week, I blathered on about how much I love seeing films reduced to children’s book material, and now …

10 years ago


It’s Alive! Yutu Shows Signs Of Life After Malfunction

After arriving on the moon on December 14, China’s Yutu rover experienced a malfunction in late January, just before hibernating …

10 years ago

NASA Program Aims To Put Commercial Landers On The Moon, Stirs Property Rights Debate

NASA recently announced a new initiative called Lunar CATALYST (Cargo Transportation and Landing by Soft Touchdown) and is seeking proposals …

10 years ago


Chinese Moon Rover Yutu May Be In Trouble

China’s moon rover Yutu landed on the moon on December 14, 2013, making China the third country to land a …

11 years ago

Orion capsule mock-up

NASA Prepares Orion For Unmanned Flight Tests

Despite the government shutdown, NASA was able to continue working on the Orion, NASA’s next manned spacecraft. Before any humans …

11 years ago


The Moon Is Covered In Human Feces

Those of you who saw Alfonso Cuaron’s Gravity this past weekend—and if the box office numbers are any indication there …

11 years ago


There May Be Habitable Moons Beyond Our Solar System

Stephen Hawking, like David Attenborough, believes earthlings are in for some tough times ahead. Hawking has said he thinks it’s …

11 years ago


The Moon Shows New Evidence Of Subsurface Water

When it comes to space science, finding water on the moon has been something of a holy grail to astronomers …

11 years ago


Misson To The Moon’s South Pole Planned For 2016

It’s a big week for our moon, Earthlings. Yesterday was the 44th anniversary of Neil Armstrong’s first steps onto the …

11 years ago

National Park On The Moon Proposed (Yosemite Is So Passé)

It’s one hell of a road trip, but sign me up! Why battle the crowds at Yosemite, Yellowstone, or the …

11 years ago

Last Video Of The Moon From Crashed NASA Spacecraft Ebb And Flow

If this were a real horror movie, and not that exercise in plot procrastination that was Apollo 18, then this …

12 years ago

The True Story Behind Neil Armstrong’s First Words On The Moon

The famous first line uttered by the first man on the Moon, Neil Armstrong, is a strong reminder of how …

12 years ago

European Space Agency Says NASA Is Planning To Return To The Moon Within A Decade

For the first time since 1972, NASA is planning to go back to the Moon. According to the European Space …

12 years ago

The US Planned To Nuke The Moon As A Show Of Cold War Might

It’s no secret that over the years governments have been involved in some pretty harebrained schemes. There have been scams, …

12 years ago


Moon Bubbles: Do They Hold The Key To Radiation Shielding On Spacecraft?

Mankind may have walked on it, zoomed around it, and thrown satellites into its surface, but the moon still has …

12 years ago

A Goodbye To Neil Armstrong, The Most Important Man Who Ever Lived

He wasn’t just the guy who happened to be first out of the airlock.

12 years ago