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Three Stars Vanish From The Sky And Astronomers Are Baffled

Three stars disappeared on July 19, 1952, and decades later, no one knows where they went. At the time, Palomar …

9 months ago

The Netflix Space Movie That Will Make You Want To Stay On Earth

Buckle up, space enthusiasts and drama lovers alike (or space haters if you want to go the other way), because …

9 months ago

Space Is Now Better For Mining Than Earth Itself, Here’s Why

As space exploration becomes more common, companies like AstroForge, Trans Astronautica Corporation, and Karman+ are considering mining valuable resources from …

9 months ago

The Moon Is Much Older Than We Thought

According to ScienceAlert, the Moon is a great deal older than scientists had believed to this point. Certainly we know …

9 months ago

oxygen on mars

Oxygen On Mars Possible With New Bacteria?

Normally, if someone told us a wild theory about creating oxygen on Mars, we’d just assume they stayed up too …

9 months ago

Devil Comet Approaching Earth For First Time In Decades

For the first time in over 70 years, we will be able to witness the presence of a devil comet …

9 months ago

Making Babies In Space? New Company Searching For The Answer

Dutch entrepreneur Egbert Edelbroek is venturing into the unknown realm of babies in space. The CEO of biotech startup SpaceBorn …

9 months ago

star collision

Star Collision Is The End Of Earth As We Know It?

Science Alert has done it again, and has enlightened us about the horrifying prospect of a kilonova explosion, which is …

9 months ago

China And Pakistan Teaming For Moon Base

China has joined forces with Pakistan to establish a lunar research station on the Moon’s South Pole, according to reports …

9 months ago


See The Stunning Look At Jupiter’s Volcano Moon

One of Jupiter’s largest moons put on a show for NASA’s Juno spacecraft last week (October 15) when it passed …

9 months ago

Scientists Discover Energy Bursts Slicing Stars In Half

Scientists have reason to believe that not all stars are destroyed equally, according to Futurism. In a yet-to-be-peer-reviewed preprint paper, …

9 months ago

jupiter flat

Webb Telescope Spots Discovery In Jupiter’s Atmosphere

As if NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) weren’t groundbreaking enough, it just made a groundbreaking discovery in the heart …

9 months ago

Unexplained Radio Waves From Space Is A Mindbending Mystery

Mysterious radio waves from space are confounding the scientists trying to determine their origin. According to Science Alert, a spectacularly …

9 months ago


Another Country Is Sending Astronauts To The Moon

According to a recent write-up in Futurism, India has announced plans to make history by putting human beings on the …

9 months ago

nasa black hole

Scientists Can Now Make Tiny Black Holes With Pseudogravity 

Physicists at the Kyoto Institute of Technology altered a special material called a photonic crystal to change the way light …

9 months ago


The Most Volcanic World In Our Solar System Revealed In Stunning Photos

The real-world equivalent of Star Wars‘ Mustafar exists, and it’s in our solar system. According to Science Alert, NASA’s Juno …

9 months ago

NASA Reveals Photo Of Saturn’s Hilarious Dumpling Moon

For millennia, people have been saying that our own moon is made of cheese. It’s a silly idea that dates …

9 months ago

The Sun’s Death Revealed By Scientists And It’s Terrifying

Scientists have discovered what the Sun’s death will look like when it reaches the end of its life in approximately …

9 months ago

big bang theory

Milky Way Galaxy Being Warped By Dark Matter?

The spiral shape of the Milky Way galaxy is well known, but most people don’t realize that it is twisted, …

9 months ago

nasa jupiter ganymede

Crystal Clouds Discovered In Jupiter Exoplanet

According to a fascinating write-up in Space.com, the James Webb Space Telescope has detected a series of crystal clouds made …

9 months ago

mars oxygen

Mars Earthquake Largest On Record, Mysterious Source Revealed Inside Planet

On the surface, Mars may seem like a barren wasteland of red dirt with no definite signs of life (at …

9 months ago

mars life

Blue Sunset On Mars Stuns In Incredible Photo

Admittedly, our universe brims with mesmerizing celestial wonders. None perhaps more stunning than the recent blue sunset on Mars, an …

9 months ago

planet 9

Planet 9 Hiding In Our Solar System Could Change The Theory Of Gravity

Scientists have previously suggested that there may be a Planet 9 hiding in our solar system, but an alternative to …

9 months ago

City-Sized Horned Comet Racing Toward Earth

As if things didn’t seem apocalyptic enough already, considering the geo-political situation around the world, paired with the advent of …

9 months ago

AI Discovers Stunning Space Object Without Any Human Help For The First Time In History

The AI-related news is never boring as teams behind newly emerging AI tools always come up with new applications for …

9 months ago

See Mars’ Grand Canyon, The Labyrinth Of Night

The European Space Agency recently released a video showing the expansive, 2,500-mile-wide trench that is the Mars equivalent of the …

9 months ago

Strange Singing Plasma Waves Discovered Around Nearby Planet

Recently, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds had a musical episode that left fans very divided over its premise: that a …

9 months ago

Space Junk Is Hurting Earth And We Didn’t Even Know It

Space exploration has captured the human imagination for decades. However, it has left a significant, yet often overlooked amount of …

9 months ago

asteroids, earth

NASA Finds Asteroids With Life-Giving Elements That Could Change Everything

Even though it’s 2023 and the scientific community has made incredible advancements in understanding not only the space around us …

10 months ago

The Whacky Sci-Fi Movie On Netflix With Space Reincarnation

Ladies and gents, fasten your Netflix space seatbelts, and let’s beam up to the hilariously quirky world of Cargo – …

10 months ago