See Every Time Gillian Anderson Used Dana Scully’s Best The X-Files Line

The X-Files was one of those shows that, even during its most frustrating seasons and storylines, mostly retained the mysterious intrigue that got fans hooked in the first place. It’s not a show that people watched for its repetitive catchphrases, although it certainly promoted quite a few. Gillian Anderson would know.
Throughout the many years we were able to peek in on the very complicated life of one Dana Scully, and she went through some pretty dramatic situations.
Kidnapping? Yep. Alien cancer? Yep. Pregnancy? Yep. Boring movie? She’s been through two of them.
And though she doesn’t really have a catchphrase, Gillian Anderson’s Scully is guilty of repetitious reactions to all manner of stimuli. You can see as much when they are all combined in this fan-made video which seems hilarious at face value, but is taxing to take in all at once.
Now, I’d have to assume that saying “Oh my God” when discovering an alien would definitively be done “in vain,” but Scully’s crucifix never caught fire around her neck or tightened enough to strangle her. I guess redheads get exemption status.
The best one in there takes place at dinner, with the vibrating bed following as a close second. In all, it’s a testament to her ability to find new and creative crazy situations while also having the inability to come up with any new reaction. It is really something.
Gillian Anderson portrayed FBI agent Dana Scully for the entire run of The X-Files from 1993 to 2002, as well as in two revival seasons in 2016 and 2018. Her character was the skeptical foil to her partner Fox Mulder’s belief in the paranormal. Gillian Anderson brought intelligence and strength to the role of the medical doctor and scientist.
Over that run she essentially cemented her status in the pop culture lexicon, taking an equal and empowering role to David Duchovney’s Mulder. They kind of let go of the rope in the final The X-Files season with her pregnancy, but it’s tough for any series to maintain excellence over the long-term. And it’s especially true when the show is about all kinds of crazy things.
Gillian Anderson has been vocal about not loving the way the character ended up. But we always have these “Oh My God” moments to look back on. She really did bring it as the character. Let’s hope we get to see it again at least one last time.