The Funniest End Of The World Movie Ever Is On Netflix

By Doug Norrie | Published

Ever wonder what happens when a bunch of comedic Hollywood elites get trapped in one mansion during the apocalypse? No? Well, too bad, because This is the End on Netflix answers that very question – and trust us, it’s a wilder ride than you might expect.

Pack your sense of humor, leave your expectations at the door, and dive into this star-studded, laugh-out-loud, end-of-the-world extravaganza! 

This Is The End Is On Netflix

In This is the End, Hollywood’s funniest actors come together, playing exaggerated versions of themselves in a wild roller-coaster of a film that mixes celebrity culture with apocalyptic chaos. 

The movie kicks off with Jay Baruchel arriving in Los Angeles, looking forward to a fun weekend with his old buddy Seth Rogen. Their bromantic hangout takes a turn when they head to James Franco‘s extravagant housewarming party, which boasts a who’s-who guest list of Tinseltown’s elite.

The End Of The World Is At James Franco’s

However, the star-studded soirée takes a literal fiery turn when an apocalypse of biblical proportions descends upon the city. Huge sinkholes swallow up party-goers, blue beams rapture others to the sky, and Los Angeles quickly becomes a hellscape. 

Franco’s modern mansion becomes a sanctuary for a motley crew: Rogen, Baruchel, Franco, Jonah Hill, Danny McBride, and Craig Robinson. With the outside world in chaos, the group’s initial plan is to wait out the catastrophe.

But as their provisions dwindle, along with their sanity, they’re forced to venture outside, confronting supernatural creatures and other monstrous challenges.

It’s Hollywood In A Nutshell

But, aside from the external threats, the group’s internal dynamics also spiral. Tensions rise, friendships are tested, and hilarious personal confessions emerge.

Throughout it all, the movie cleverly uses its apocalyptic backdrop to poke fun at celebrity vanity, Hollywood clichés, and the fragile male ego, making it as much a commentary on the entertainment industry as it is a rib-tickling survival story.

This Is The End Is Extreme Parody

this is the end

This is the End distinctively stands out from the crowded apocalyptic film landscape. Why? Because it flat-out refuses to take itself seriously. Where most films in this genre are swathed in layers of dark drama and intense action, this one gleefully throws caution to the wind and opts for outrageous humor.

One of its major comedic triumphs lies in its self-parody. Many doomsday flicks build their stories around fictional, often-heroic characters. However, This is the End makes the genius move of having Hollywood stars play exaggerated versions of themselves.

It’s a delightful blurring of fiction and reality, where the cast, in a satirical jab, mocks their own celebrity personas. 

The Movie Is Ridiculous But Feels Real

this is the end

This results in a portrayal that feels genuine, resulting in moments of unbridled laughter. Imagine a scenario where these celebrities, for all their fame and fortune, squabble over everyday concerns, like who finished the last candy bar, all while the apocalypse rages outside their door.

It’s the absurdity of this juxtaposition – of relatable, everyday gripes in the face of catastrophic events – that fuels the film’s comedic engine.

The comedic essence of the movie is further amplified by its unfiltered approach. There’s no tiptoeing around sensitive topics here. Drug-fueled visions, unabashedly over-the-top demonic designs, and even cameos from popular boy bands in the most unexpected situations make for scenes that are as shocking as they are hilarious.

This Is The End Is A Hilarious Commentary On Fame

this is the end

But what truly elevates the film is the palpable chemistry among its star-studded cast. Their real-life friendships are reflected in the movie, making their interactions and banter feel organically hilarious.

There’s an authentic vibe to their exaggerated on-screen relationships, a kind of camaraderie that’s hard to fake.

While it’s easy to write off This is the End as just another comedy, underneath its layers of hilarity is a clever commentary on Hollywood culture, the nuances of celebrity friendships, and the sheer ridiculousness of the concept of fame when faced with world-ending scenarios.

In the vast sea of apocalyptic films, this one shines brightly, offering a comedic take on the usually grim theme of the end of days.

So, if you’re in the mood for a wild, comedic ride through the apocalypse, with an ensemble cast that clearly relishes every absurd moment, look no further. This is the End on Netflix is your ticket to a raucous end-of-days party you won’t want to miss.