Disney Mortal Kombat For Princesses Gets Strong Reactions

If you are a Disney fan, you have probably given a lot of thought to who your favorite Disney princess is. However, a question you may not have thought of but that you will likely have strong thoughts on is which Disney character could defeat all of the others? The debate was sparked on X/Twitter when the question was which princess would emerge victorious if there were a Disney version of a Mortal Kombat tournament.
Unlikely Defenders Of Earthrealm
It is hard to picture any of the princesses having as much of a violent side as the likes of Scorpion, Sub-Zero, and Goro. But pondering the idea for a moment, you have to admit a lot of the princesses do possess powers and abilities that would probably make them fare pretty well if Disney ever pitted them against one another in Mortal Kombat. Unfortunately, Disney probably won’t ever use such an idea, so it is up to the fans to get creative instead.
The Ringer

Mulan was one who leaped out to many as one of the clear favorites. People cited her experience serving in the military, which taught her stamina, conditioning, strength building, and martial arts to defend herself. She put all of those skills together well enough to be quite successful when physically challenged in her own movie. Plus, if we factor in sidekicks as being able to lend a hand, Mulan does have a dragon, albeit a small one. Maybe that makes Mulan the Disney version of Liu Kang for this Mortal Kombat tournament.
The Powerhouse

The other big contender in many people’s eyes was Elsa from Frozen. The argument is pretty clear as to why, with her basically being the Disney equivalent of Mortal Kombat’s Sub-Zero. While not a ninja, Elsa does have enough mastery over the cold to create an entire fortress out of ice, as well as sentient snow golems to fight for her. She is so powerful that she even endangers her sister Anna’s life completely inadvertently. Elsa’s enormous power was essentially the catalyst for the whole plot of Frozen.
The Early Round Knock-Outs

Fans tried to make some valiant defenses of the less physically intimidating Disney princesses, but in Mortal Kombat, someone has to be the loser. Fan rankings often had some of the earlier-era princesses as the weaker members of the tournament roster. So characters like Aurora from Sleeping Beauty, Snow White from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and Cinderella from her eponymous movie were often picked as likely first-round knockouts.
The Dark Horse Contender

That is not to say that the more traditionally feminine princesses were totally overlooked in this game of Disney Mortal Kombat. Some argued Rapunzel would likely fare well due to showing an ability to defend herself with a frying pan in her movie. Fans felt her resourcefulness could see her be a dark horse. Part of the fun of the game is no doubt getting creative in arguing for your favorite to triumph.
Give Us Disney Smash Brothers You Cowards

While the Disney princesses would likely still not do too well against the classic Mortal Kombat women, like Kitana, Mileena, and Jade, many of them are no pushovers either. Maybe it is time for Disney to capitalize on the idea and give us a fighting game to let people see once and for all who can attain a flawless victory.