The Legendary Bigfoot Movie That People Thought Was 100% Real

Found footage films can be a tricky genre to get right, and after a brief oversaturation of the genre, it’s one that people are a little wary about seeing. Regardless of your thoughts on found footage films, it’s possible that the genre might not be as big as it is without the pioneering film The Legend of Boggy Creek. As Bloody Disgusting points out, this may very well be the grandfather of all found footage films.
The Legend Of Boggy Creek Is A 50 Year Old Found Footage Film

While there were certainly predecessors in the form of pseudo-documentaries, Charles B Pierce’s The Legend of Boggy Creek really has all the hallmarks of the found footage genre as we know it today. The movie is fifty years old at this point, but it doesn’t change the fact that the film was a massive hit at the time and truly capitalized on the fact-vs-fiction nature of found footage movies. So much so that people didn’t know whether the film was real or fake.
The Movie Was Made Possible By A $100,000 Loan

The Legend of Boggy Creek is inspired by the infamous Patterson-Gimlin film that reportedly caught a Sasquatch on film in the California trend. Charles B. Pierce was a salesman and decided to capitalize on the cryptid craze by making a monster movie from a $100,000 trucking company loan. The film drew from local legends of the Fouke Monster in the Arkansas countryside, depicting a realistic and grounded approach that made the film all the more believable.
Legend Of Boggy Creek Made Found Footage Movies Popular

In The Legend of Boggy Creek, we see interviews and re-enactments that claim to use real survivors and witnesses instead of actors. Pierce put together a new genre without even knowing it, and the film works in a way that even he likely didn’t expect it to. The low-budget production ended up captivating audiences, as they actually believed that this Bigfoot-like monster might be real.To be fair to audiences, The Legend of Boggy Creek brought the found footage genre into the mainstream like nothing before. With really nothing else to compare it to, it’s no wonder that people couldn’t tell if the film was real or fake. If a found footage film is convincing enough and you market it well, it’s certainly possible to get the audience to come along for the ride.
Other Popular Found Footage Releases

Even in 1999, when found footage was an established genre, The Blair Witch Project was able to pull off its own The Legend of Boggy Creek-style release and convince people the film was possibly real rather than fiction. Since then, plenty of found footage films like Cloverfield, Chronicle, and the Paranormal Activity series have been able to make found footage into box office blockbusters. Of course, The Legend of Boggy Creek was no slouch at the box office, making millions and bringing people to the theaters in droves.
The Remastered Version

The Legend of Boggy Creek has since been remastered in 2019 after Pierce’s daughter, Pamula Pierce Barcelou, obtained the rights. If you’re expecting it to be of the same quality of modern found footage films, you’ll be disappointed. But, if you like B movies and want to see where the genre began to find its (big)footing, then this is the film to check out.