The Best Sci-Fi Action Movies Ranked

By Rick Gonzales | Published

earl boen terminator

Best Sci-Fi Action Movies

Throughout the history of film, the science fiction genre has always been one of the more thrilling ones to explore. Fantastical worlds, fantastical creatures, thrilling space battles, it’s a genre where anything and anything can happen. Now, when you throw in a bit of action into the sci-fi field, you have the potential for one of the most exciting two hours of cinematic escapism there can be.

The following sci-fi action movies are among the best of the best that the genre has to offer. The action is intense and the science fiction is otherworldly. 

10. The Avengers (2012)

What makes Marvel’s The Avengers such a special sci-fi action movie is that it is the first time we get to see each and every Avenger in action. It was the sixth film in the MCU and the final movie in Marvel’s Phase One. In it, we saw Nick Fury put together his team of Avengers – Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Black Widow, Hulk, and Hawkeye – as the team was needed to stop the threat of Loki, Thor’s brother, from making Earth his playground.

jurassic park

9. Jurassic Park (1993)

Just like Marvel’s The Avengers, Jurassic Park is one of the best sci-fi-action movies not only because of the thrills and chills but because it was the first. This Steven Spielberg masterpiece made us think that dinosaurs are real and what a scary proposition it could be if they were. Sam Neill, Laura Dern, and Jeff Goldblum try to make it out of the park alive.

tom cruise

8. Minority Report (2002)

Minority Report is an outstanding sci-fi action film that marks the first time Steven Spielberg and Tom Cruise combined their talents. The complicated story tells of John Anderton (Cruise) who is part of the Precrime unit. This police unit uses “precogs” (clairvoyant humans) to determine murders before they happen so the police can track down the potential killers. Anderton finds himself on the run when the precogs see him committing a murder.


7. Inception (2010)

The easiest way to describe Christopher Nolan’s sci-fi action film, Inception, is “dream stealing.” In this case, Leonardo DiCaprio stars as Dom Cobb, a man who makes his living delving into people’s subconscious to take all of their corporate secrets. Because of Cobb’s abilities, he is offered a job to infiltrate a man’s subconscious and implant the idea of dissolving his father’s business. In return, Cobb’s criminal history will be wiped clean, and he can then return home to his children. You may need a little bit of patience with this film.

6. The Matrix (1999)

Keanu Reeves has a choice to make. Take the blue pill and return to the status quo, life as is, or take the red pill and all will be revealed about the Matrix. Thankfully, Reeves’ Neo takes the red pill and this sci-fi action movie kicks it up a notch. The action is aplenty, with eye-popping special effects and acrobatics that are out of this world.

ryan gosling

5. Blade Runner 2049 (2017)

Blade Runner 2049 is a not-so-tidy (163 minutes running time) sci-fi action film sequel to the 1982 hit Blade Runner. This film brings back Harrison Ford as Rick Deckard, a “blade runner” living in hiding for 35 years as a way of protecting the identity of a child he had with a replicant. Ryan Gosling is K, a new type of “blade runner” who is on the hunt for the replicant child.

4. The Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)

As one of the best sci-fi action movies, this James Cameron film brings back (he said he’d be back, didn’t he?) Arnold Schwarzenegger as the T-800. This time, though, instead of being the hunter, he is the hunted (and protector). Arnie returns from the future to protect a young John Connor from the new and massively advanced T-1000 (Robert Patrick). Linda Hamilton also returns as John’s mother, Sarah Connor.

3. Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

Sci-fi action and adventure are what the original Star Wars trilogy was all about and this middle film of the three offers plenty of it. Mark Hamill’s Luke Skywalker is run through the emotional and physical gambit in this one, losing a hand along the way while gaining a father. The emotional weight is heavy, but the film does not lack action to any degree.

2. Aliens (1986)

Although the surprises are minimal in this sequel, the sci-fi action is intense. James Cameron made sure to capitalize on the success of the 1979 Ridley Scott original by bringing back Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) to take on a new version of those brutal face huggers. Not only is Ripley fighting for her life again, but she is on a search and rescue mission, trying to keep any survivors alive as well.

mad max

1. Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)

Fans waited nearly 30 years for George Miller to resurrect Mad Max. And with Mad Max: Fury Road, he did not disappoint. This sci-fi film, filled with non-stop action, introduced Tom Hardy as Max Rockatanksy, taking over for Mel Gibson. Miller also introduced Charlize Theron as Imperator Furiosa, a war captain under Immortan Joe, who is forced to turn against him in order to free his “Five Wives” from being his concubine.