Zoe Saldana’s Kids Look Like Zoe Saldana Clones

Zoe Saldana is the goddess of sci-fi these days, having headlined franchises like Star Trek, Avatar, and the MCU. Some of these fictional franchises include cloning, but you might start to believe futuristic cloning is real once you see Saldana’s children. Starting in the third photo of the images she recently shared on Instagram, it’s clear that this stunning star’s children look just like their famous mother.
Zoe Saldana’s recent social media posts proves just how incredibly similar her children look to her.
Part of what makes these photos so interesting is that it’s clear that Zoe Saldana is giving us a realistic glimpse into what it’s like to raise a family. For example, the third image shows us a beautiful image of her kissing her husband, Marco Perego Saldana, while at a special “last day of school” celebration for her children.
Of course, that’s what you see in the background: in the foreground, you can see one of her children scowling at having to take this photo, with another child looking quizzical and the third just looking downright bored.
In case you were wondering, Zoe Saldana has three children, and two of them are identical twins. While her son Zen looks like he takes a bit more after his father, her other two boys, Cy and Bowie, look like their mother to an almost uncanny degree.
As the rest of the photos illustrate, all of these children have hilarious personalities and minds of their own regardless of which parent they just happen to look like.
Honestly, we can’t help but wonder if the kids enjoy Marvel superheroes and, if so, their minds are blown that their mother played one of the most famous characters in the MCU.
We can see that across the rest of the photos, where it’s clear that the children have two main gears: being very bored at having to take family photos and getting very excited by the opportunity to enjoy delicious snacks and outdoor exercise.
For example, it’s obvious the children didn’t enjoy being in the sun in the fourth photo, and even Zoe Saldana can only manage a tight grin as she puts her hand on her head, presumably to wipe the sweat off her brow. But the kids look happier checking out colorful flowers in the sixth image and after that, they look deliriously gleeful at the prospect of eating cake.
In case you were wondering, Zoe Saldana has three children, and two of them are identical twins.
Our favorite glimpse of Zoe Saldana’s children came from the ninth embed, which was a video rather than a photo. It showed the children doing cartwheels in front of the famous Louvre, which sums their vibe up perfectly well.
At their age, enjoying some exercise in the sunlight is likely much more compelling than staring at classic works of art in a dusty gallery (even if it is one of the most famous art galleries in the world).

The final image is the one that has us the most curious because it shows Zoe Saldana’s children looking quite captivated in front of some books, including the Magneto variant cover of X-Men #1. Honestly, we can’t help but wonder if the kids enjoy Marvel superheroes and, if so, their minds are blown that their mother played one of the most famous characters in the MCU.
Then again, if the children are completely over cinematic superheroes, it might explain a lot about the superhero fatigue that has plagued the box office for the entire year.