Vinland Saga Creator Tells Fans To Go Watch Attack On Titan Instead

By Douglas Helm | Updated

vinland saga anime

Vinland Saga and Attack on Titan are two of the best animes going right now, both due to their storytelling, animation, and nuanced themes. While there is plenty of violence in both series, the former took a bit of a step back in that department for the second season. In a recent interview with Anime News Network, Vinland Saga creator Makoto Yukimura addressed the fan reaction to the reduced violence, saying, If you’re into my story for the violent aspect of it, at some point, I might not be able to meet your expectations,” and “If you really want to read about things like violence, you should consider Attack on Titan.”

Vinland Saga creator tells fans that violence isn’t the point of his story, suggesting anyone unhappy with the increasing lack of bloodshed in the story instead watch Attack on Titan.

Of course, this is far from a slight on Attack on Titan, as Yukmira is friends with the creator of that series, Hajime Isayama. His comments are more pointing toward the fact that those who like a lot of violence in their animes and mangas may be better served seeking out a different series. It’s definitely a fair recommendation, as the anime series is in the midst of adapting the manga’s final arc, which has plenty of battles and violence.

vinland saga
Vinland Saga

Along with having semi-similar themes, both series both have similar DNA from a behind-the-scenes perspective.

Vinland Saga certainly isn’t short on violence, though, as it’s an important storytelling aspect for the central character, Thorfinn. The first season saw Thorfinn seeking revenge for the death of his father, becoming a battle-hardened warrior in the process and killing hundreds in the process. Those who like hyperviolence in their anime, like in Attack on Titan, would have certainly seen plenty of that in the first season.

However, the second season of Vinland Saga marked a shift for the series, as Thorfinn worked on a farm as a slave and attempted to reconcile his guilt from all the people he hurt and killed. It’s a bit of a slower burn, but it’s an incredible character arc that is well worth tuning in for.

If you’re into my story for the violent aspect of it, at some point, I might not be able to meet your expectations. If you really want to read about things like violence, you should consider Attack on Titan.”

-Makoto Yukimura, creator of Vinland Saga

It’s not like the second season lacks in the violence department either, but it’s obviously less prominent than when the protagonist was actively participating in a war, like the characters in Attack on Titan are currently doing.

Both series address violence in different ways, and interestingly, both protagonists want to end war and violence for good — albeit in very, very different ways. Both Vinland Saga and Attack on Titan are highly recommendable for different reasons, and those who want quality animes can’t really go wrong with watching either. This is likely part of the reason that Yukimura recommended the latter series to anime fans.

vinland saga
Vinland Saga

Along with having semi-similar themes, both series both have similar DNA from a behind-the-scenes perspective. The initial seasons of both shows were produced and animated by Wit Studio before MAPPA took over. Both the second season of Vinland Saga and the final season of Attack on Titan are produced and animated by MAPPA.

If you’re interested in checking out Vinland Saga, you can currently stream both seasons on Netflix and Crunchyroll. Attack on Titan is streaming on Hulu, Crunchyroll, and Funimation. Make sure to check them out and stay tuned for more anime news.