The X-Files Reboot Needs To Redeem Its Most Underrated Character

By Jacob VanGundy | Published

aliens The X-Files reboot

Despite a disappointing revival in 2016 X-Files fans are excited to see what Ryan Coogler does with his upcoming reboot of the beloved sci-fi series. There are many questions about how he’ll approach the new show, especially what elements from the old show he’ll bring back and if it will fare better than the first attempt at resurrection.

One of the biggest ways this revival can set itself apart is to redeem the series’ most underrated hero, Agent John Doggett. 

X-Files Reboot And Agent John Doggett

The X-Files reboot

John Doggett was introduced late in the original run of The X-Files, brought in at the start of season 8 to replace Agent Mulder as Agent Scully’s partner.

Played by Robert Patrick of Terminator 2 fame, Doggett flipped the original dynamic of the show by being the skeptic to Scully’s believer.

Fans were divided about the introduction of the new character, many were upset that he replaced David Duchovny’s Fox Mulder, but for some fans, he was a high point in a disappointing final two seasons.

Left Out Of Original X-Files Reboot

The X-Files reboot

It’s likely this mixed response to Doggett and the final two seasons of the initial show being panned that led Chris Carter to leave the character out of his The X-Files reboot seasons.

Not only does Robert Patrick not appear in season 10 or 11 he’s never even mentioned, a strange omission for a revival obsessed with the mythology of the original series. The revival’s negative reception proves that Doggett was never the problem. 

The X-Files Needed Fox Mulder

The problem with seasons 8 and 9 of The X-Files wasn’t the introduction of Doggett it was the relative absence of Mulder.

The relationship between Mulder and Scully was always the heart of the X-Files, and it couldn’t recover from its absence. But it’s a mistake to pin that failure on Doggett, who was the silver lining of those underwhelming seasons. It why we need to see him in The X-Files reboot.

Doggett brought a very different energy to the show as a no-nonsense former marine, a stark difference from both the conspiratorial Mulder and scientifically minded Scully. 

Bring Back John Doggett With The Others

The X-Files reboot

The X-Files reboot should address the missed opportunity to put Doggett, Scully, and Mulder together to explore the dynamics between all three.

This also resolves one of the main issues with the first The X-Files reboot, which is that there was no skeptic, just two believers. Doggett brings a unique new version of the skeptic which was fascinating to see even without the ultimate believer Mulder for him to react to, an exciting new avenue the reboot could explore.

Robert Patrick Is Excellent

Robert Patrick is a phenomenal actor and his presence elevates everything he’s in, including X-Files. Doggett-focused episodes like the Vince Gilligan-directed “Jon Doe” and the emotionally charged “Release” are among the best late-season X-Files episodes, largely because of Patrick’s acting.

It’s frankly insulting that the first The X-Files reboot ignored not only such a phenomenal actor but also a wonderfully realized character who brings both pragmatism and deeply buried grief. 

John Doggett Needs A Comeback

John Doggett was a fantastic but criminally underutilized character in The X-Files. Ryan Coogler’s The X-Files reboot is the perfect opportunity to give him the redemption he deserves.

It would be great to see Robert Patrick as a series regular in The X-Files reboot, but even bringing him on for a single guest appearance would be a huge step up from the last revival. It should be an obvious choice to bring back such a legendary actor and give an underrated character the chance to prove how great he is.