The Netflix Sci-Fi Thriller Blockbuster That Deserves A Sequel

Luc Besson’s Lucy was a massive surprise hit at the box office in 2014, when it grossed more than $270 million worldwide, which admittedly isn’t too shabby for an original release on a $40 million budget. Given the film’s success, many are wondering whether Besson plans on making a sequel for the movie, but the director has been unclear on the matter.
Scarlett Johansson As Lucy

For those who haven’t watched the movie, Lucy stars Scarlett Johansson as the eponymous character caught up in a drug trafficking run as a mule that’s supposed to transport large quantities of CPH4 across the border. The substance allows users to unlock the full potential of their brains (assuming that humans only use about 10 percent of their brains).
However, in Lucy’s unfortunate case, the package in her abdomen broke, contaminated her system, and eventually allowed her to use 100 percent of her brain. This granted her extraordinary abilities, but at a price—she’ll die.
Lucy’s Powers

As her brain’s potential is unlocked throughout the movie, Lucy gains new powers, such as the ability to control other people’s nervous systems, tap into electromagnetic and radio waves, and manipulate matter and even time.
It’s a great action movie in which Lucy races against time. As her brain reaches its full potential, she also nears physical death. And therein lies the key to the movie’s sequel. According to Besson, the movie wasn’t conceptualized with the possibility of a sequel in mind, which is well reflected in the film’s narrative.
Lucy’s Fate

By the film’s end, Lucy dies, but not before transferring the sum of her knowledge and experiences to those who would use such knowledge best. This is as far as we’ll spoil the film for those who haven’t watched it—though we highly recommend the film to anyone who hasn’t. Considering that Lucy dies at the end, launching a project called Lucy 2 seems like pushing one’s luck. Sure, Besson could somehow find a way to revive Lucy within the universe, but the question is: should he?
Lucy 2

Well, the answer to that question depends on who you ask; the content-hungry masses would provide an affirmative answer, those who appreciate the story beyond the film’s action sequences might be pressed to say “No,” and Besson has already stated that he’s now working on the sequel.
Interestingly enough, the CEO of Besson’s movie company, EuropaCorp, stated that Lucy 2 is in active development at the moment. So, does Lucy deserve a sequel? Well, we say it does, but also that it shouldn’t receive one.
Lucy Is Streaming On Netflix

The movie ended up making a total of $469 million since its release on a $40 million budget, which is just above a 1070 percemt return (yes, you read that right). That’s more than enough for any movie company to not consider but pump out a sequel no matter what.
That kind of return is Disney’s wet dream. However, we’re here to say that Lucy shouldn’t receive a sequel. The end of the original movie didn’t leave room for the plot to continue, and producing a sequel for the sake of cash will most likely tarnish the quality of the original movie. Lucy is currently available on Netflix.