Gillian Anderson Returning To The X-Files Under One Condition?

Gillian Anderson says she could return to The X-Files, but it would have to be under one specific condition that the studio might not love.

By Dan Lawrence | Updated

gillian anderson x-files

Gillian Anderson is a clear fan favorite. The star shot to fame as Dana Scully in The X-Files, the science-fiction show that ran from 1993 to 2002 before being reprised again in 2016 and 18. 2018 may well have been the last time for fans to watch the show and Gillian Anderson recently told Variety that she would only ever consider returning to the show on one condition, that the creative team behind The X-Files gets a complete overhaul. 

The Sex Education star was speaking to Variety after receiving the publications Icon Award at Cannes. Superstar Gillian Anderson had this to say on a slim chance of returning to The X-Files: “It just feels like such an old idea. I’ve done it, I did it for so many years, and it also ended on such an unfortunate note…In order to even begin to have that conversation [about another season] there would need to be a whole new set of writers and the baton would need to be handed on for it to feel like it was new and progressive. So yeah, it’s very much in the past.”

For anyone out there hoping that The X-Files will get another revival with Gillian Anderson, well, she doesn’t seem to be on board with the idea. Unless her wish for a whole new writers team is granted, of course. It is important to note that Anderson cites a particularly disappointing end for her character Dana Scully in 2018. That The X-Files ending saw her character reveal that she was pregnant, which was met with criticism from the show’s fans for not being a suitable end for one of science fiction’s strongest leading ladies. At the time, Anderson took to Twitter to ambiguously highlight she had heard fans’ concerns, this latest quote looks to confirm her opinion on the matter.

However, whilst Gillian Anderson isn’t keen to return to The X-Files, the show’s creator Chris Carter spoke to The Hollywood Reporter following the season eleven finale and was open to the idea of the show continuing. Considering that Anderson’s major stipulation on returning is new creators being behind the show and Carter being open to continuing, that would appear to put the nail in the coffin for fans to see more of Scully. Remarkably though, there have been rumours recently that a new series of The X-Files is actually in the works. 

While The X-Files reunion may be off the cards for Gillian Anderson, the actress does have a bright future ahead of her. Recently it was reported that the star has signed a first-look deal with streaming giant Netflix. In the deal, Netflix will get first dibs on any project that Anderson wants to develop, which given the strength of both parties’ back catalogs, looks like a win-win for all involved, especially audiences. Of course, Anderson already has a great relationship with Netflix due to her role as Otis’ mother Jean in the smash-hit show Sex EducationLast season’s finale had a dramatic reveal for Jean which has fans eager to return to the world of Moordale and see how things pan out for Anderson’s character.

Before Gillian Anderson returns to Moordale, she will next be seen in Showtime’s The First Lady on April 17th, a series shining a light on the first women of America throughout various presidential administrations. Anderson will be portraying Eleanor Roosevelt.