Disney Dinosaurs Invade Jurassic Park, See The Hilarious Mashup In Action

By Christopher Isaac | Published

When you think of the dinosaurs of Jurassic Park, you probably picture how truly terrifying they could be. To this day, fans of the movie remark how incredible the effects on the dinosaurs hold up, especially considering it came out in the ‘90s. But you may also remember some other prehistoric creatures that were on screen in the ‘90s, from the Disney show, Dinosaurs.

In a combination you did not know you wanted, but will now know you need, an incredible mashup video was made featuring the characters of Dinosaurs added into the first Jurassic Park. See the video below.

It is simultaneously just as bizarre and incredible as it sounds. Gone are the frightening raptors and the humongous T-rex of the Jurassic Park you know, instead replaced by the animatronic puppets of the Sinclair family from Dinosaurs. And just to add a little extra layer of absurdity to the video, the Sinclairs are lip-synched to all appear to be singing Jay-Z and Kanye West’s famous rap song “Otis”.

Dinosaurs began in 1991 and was like a reverse of the Flintstones.

In this mashup, the characters of Jurassic Park are less running in fear, but more confusion and annoyance at the antics of the Sinclair family. It features all the classic scenes of Jurassic Park: Alan Grant using the flares to lure the T-rex away, Dennis Nerdy stumbling in the rain on the verge of being devoured, and even Ian Malcolm lounging back with his shirt unbuttoned.

But here each instance features the Sinclair family popping out to continue sharing their rendition of “Otis” that they are determined to perform for their unwilling audience. It is especially amusing since the Dinosaurs TV show was about as far from horrifying as you could get.

Dinosaurs (1991)

For the uninitiated, Dinosaurs began in 1991 and was like a reverse of the Flintstones. It focused on the Sinclair dinosaur family dealing with many of the problems of modern life. They had their own home, appliances, and were even raising their own baby. Quite a far cry from the perils of Jurassic Park.

Dinosaurs is perhaps best remembered today for its shockingly bleak ending to an otherwise kid-friendly show. In the closing episode, it focuses on how the habits of the Sinclairs have had them inadvertently contributing towards climate change, to the point that they are facing the impending ice age.

And just to add a little extra layer of absurdity to the video, the Sinclairs are lip-synched to all appear to be singing Jay-Z and Kanye West’s famous rap song “Otis”.

You would think that the dramatic twist must wrap up with the family somehow finding a way to reverse their dire situation and save themselves. But no. They huddle around their TV and watch a news broadcast informing them that certain death will soon be upon them and wipe out the species of dinosaurs on the planet. Thinking about it, maybe Dinosaurs actually does match some of the terror of Jurassic Park.

If that sounds too bleak for you, fortunately this mashup video from the Bell Brothers YouTube channel keeps things light and funny, avoiding the death scenes of both Dinosaurs and Jurassic Park. However, that does not stop the video from ending with Alan Grant screaming in agony from having to endure the unwanted musical stylings of the Sinclair dinosaurs.