Star Trek: Lower Decks

Star Trek: Lower Decks news
  • Franchise: Star Trek
  • Debut Date: August 6, 2020
  • Streaming On: Paramount+
  • Total Seasons So Far: 4
  • Episodes Per Season: 10
Ensign Beckett Mariner

Tawny Newsome

Ensign Brad Boimler

Jack Quaid

Ensign D’Vana Tendi

Noël Wells

Ensign Sam Rutherford

Eugene Cordero

Captain Carol Freedman

Dawn Lewis

Commander Ransom

Jerry O’Connell

Doctor T’Ana

Gillian Vigman


Fred Tatasciore


Carl Tart

Created by McMahon, Star Trek: Lower Decks is a comedic animated series based in the universe of Star Trek. The series follows a group of low-ranked ensigns doing the menial work behind the scenes of a Star Trek adventure, the things that you don’t normally see.

Lower Decks Season 1 Plot Summary

Star Trek: Lower Decks season 1 largely revolved around introducing us to the show’s characters and its world. Beckett Mariner’s relationship with Captain Freeman is revealed by the season’s end and we’re introduced to characters who will later be pivotal to the show, like an Exocomp named Peanut Hamper and the villainous race of mental inferiors the Pakleds.

Lower Decks Season 2 Plot Summary

In season 2 Star Trek: Lower Decks turns the Pakleds into one of the show’s primary villains. The Pakleds first appeared on Star Trek: The Next Generation and were largely noteworthy for not being very intelligent. But stupidity is no obstacle to evil, and the Pakled set in motion a really dumb plan which has terrible consequences in later seasons.

Lower Decks Season 3 Plot Summary

Star Trek: Lower Decks season 3 resolves the Pakled plotlines of the previous season and sets off on new adventures. The Exocomp Peanut Hamper returns and the season finishes with a teaser that suggests Peanut Hamper could end up being the big villain of season 4.

Lower Decks Season 4

Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 4 finale sees Mariner defeating Locarno, who aimed to control the galaxy with a mutinous fleet and a Genesis Device. Mariner’s actions lead to Locarno’s demise and the creation of a new planet. The season gets into Mariner’s internal conflict over her role in Starfleet, while Tendi’s departure to the Orion Syndicate will definitely lead to more stories. It sets a fresh starting point for Season 5, which will delve further into the Star Trek: The Next Generation era on Paramount+.

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