• Formed: July 29, 1958
  • Location: Kennedy Space Center
  • Related: Space Force
  • Status: Active


Crowdfunding Mission Seeks To Resurrect ISEE-3 Space Probe

A long time ago (1978) in a galaxy…well, pretty close to us, NASA launched the ISEE-3 (International Sun/Earth Explorer 3) …

10 years ago

Mark and Scott Kelly

NASA To Test Einstein’s Twin Paradox On Actual Twins

NASA’s latest experiment is something straight out of a sci-fi horror movie. Mostly because it involves identical twins—apologies to any …

10 years ago


Urgent Launch Of Air Force Satellites Delays NASA’s Orion Spacecraft Flight Test

NASA’s next manned spacecraft — its first new model in 40 years — is called the Orion, or “Apollo on …

10 years ago


ESA’s Cosmic Vision Includes New Planet-Hunting Mission

NASA likes to boast about its planet-hunting capabilities thanks to both the Kepler and the Hubble telescopes. But NASA’s not …

10 years ago

water on Mars

There Might Be Water Flowing On Mars Right Now

Earlier in the Curiosity Rover‘s travels around the Red Planet it gleaned a bunch of information about the water-soaked soil, …

10 years ago

NASA Program Aims To Put Commercial Landers On The Moon, Stirs Property Rights Debate

NASA recently announced a new initiative called Lunar CATALYST (Cargo Transportation and Landing by Soft Touchdown) and is seeking proposals …

10 years ago

Meet Dream Chaser, America’s Next Space Shuttle

As you probably know, President Obama announced his decision to end NASA’s space shuttle program Constellation back in 2010. Since …

10 years ago

Opportunity Rover

Happy Tenth Anniversary, Opportunity

Ten years might not seem old, but for a rover that was only meant to conduct a three-month-long mission, a …

11 years ago


NASA Scientists Control Robotic Arm With Kinect And Oculus Rift

Robots in space — two great tastes that taste great together. They might go to Mars ahead of the humans …

11 years ago

DARPA’s Robotics Challenge Narrows The Field To Eight Finalists

DARPA’s Robotics Challenge, where teams compete to design and develop disaster response robots, kicked off in June, with the software-based …

11 years ago


Merry Christmas! Astronauts Conduct Emergency Repairs On ISS Cooling System

Unless his flying reindeer are truly amazing, like Falcor, Santa probably doesn’t make it to space. Or maybe he does, …

11 years ago

Meet Valkyrie, NASA’s Superhero Robot

We’ve done lots of posts here on GFR about NASA, many of which bemoan the state and the budget of …

11 years ago

bullet time

Ex-NASA Engineer Creates Matrix-Style Bullet-Time Effect

If you’ve ever seen the Matrix (and honestly, who among you hasn’t?), you’ve likely marveled at the special effects, particularly …

11 years ago

Space Blogger Alison Wilgus’ Webcomic Takes You Inside Of NASA’s Inner Workings

Alison Wilgus writes about space and space exploration over at, but she’s also got some serious chops when it …

11 years ago


NASA VeSpR Rocket Telescope Scours Venus’ Atmosphere For Signs Of Water

While the Cassini, Curiosity, and MESSENGER craft have been giving us extensive information about Saturn, Mars, and Mercury, respectively, it’s …

11 years ago

sally ride

Sally Ride Receives Posthumous Presidential Medal Of Freedom

Too often, one’s contributions to the world don’t get their honor until it’s too late. Sally Ride, the first female …

11 years ago

Space Racers And NASA Aim To Take Over Preschool Entertainment

If you have children you’ve probably been inundated by one program after the other that teaches kids how to count, …

11 years ago

Orion capsule mock-up

NASA Prepares Orion For Unmanned Flight Tests

Despite the government shutdown, NASA was able to continue working on the Orion, NASA’s next manned spacecraft. Before any humans …

11 years ago


Asteroid That Zoomed Past Earth Last Month Probably Won’t Hit Us In 2032. Probably.

It seems that asteroid-related doomsday predictions have become a staple of science news. Yep, there are asteroids out there. Yep, …

11 years ago

Read President Jimmy Carter’s Voyager Letter To Extraterrestrials

The Voyager 1 probe made history in 2013 when scientists agreed that it had finally, officially ventured beyond our solar …

11 years ago

scott carpenter

Scott Carpenter, The Second Man To Orbit The Earth, Passes Away At 88

As we enter a new era in space travel, we are reminded of those who pioneered the initial space race, …

11 years ago


The Moon Is Covered In Human Feces

Those of you who saw Alfonso Cuaron’s Gravity this past weekend—and if the box office numbers are any indication there …

11 years ago

asteroid capture

NASA Funds Ten Space Tech Proposals

It’s good to see that even though NASA isn’t swimming (or flying) in dough, it’s still able to fund space …

11 years ago


The Moon Shows New Evidence Of Subsurface Water

When it comes to space science, finding water on the moon has been something of a holy grail to astronomers …

11 years ago

neil degrasse tyson

Neil deGrasse Tyson Thinks Humans Are Stupid For Aliens To Contact

Neil DeGrasse Tyson might not think all that much of the human race. Why? Well he explains it Fermi Paradox …

11 years ago


Wrath Of Khan Director Penning TV Pilot About The Origins Of The Space Race

Whenever the American space program is featured in film, it’s usually in the context of a huge shuttle launch or …

11 years ago


U.S. Committee Wants Your Opinions Of The Future Of Human Spaceflight

We here at GFR are obviously huge supporters of advancing exploration of and expansion into space in whatever form it …

11 years ago

sally ride

Sally Ride Honored With Posthumous Presidential Medal Of Freedom

Sally Ride was the kind of person about whom you’ll probably never see a negative word written. A physicist, astronaut, …

11 years ago


The First Battle Of Planetary Science Budget Cuts Begins!

I’m pretty sure some of you guys out there are fans of Sid Meier’s Civilization series of PC strategy games, …

11 years ago


Seventies NASA Concept Art Imagines The Future That Still Hasn’t Arrived

We’ve often complained that the future we were promised never arrived. We don’t live in the floating cities or drive …

11 years ago