The Batman Part 2 Canceled? James Gunn Responds

By Jeffrey Rapaport | Updated

the batman 2

In a much-welcome development for DC fans, DC Films head James Gunn has clarified the swirling rumors surrounding The Batman Part 2 and dogging the world of superhero cinema. Batman Stans take note: the sequel to the franchise installment starring Robert Pattinson is not—we repeat: not—canceled. At least not yet.


Where did the world hear such fortuitous news? None other than on the social media platform Threads (Meta’s attempt to capitalize on all the corporate turmoil at X, formerly Twitter). There, Gunn assured fans that Matt Reeves‘ second movie is very much in production. The DC executive thus silenced the speculation that had been gaining traction online.

Indeed, the chatter suggesting The Batman Part 2 would never see the light of day began on the internet. The rumors alleged that Warner Brothers, the mammoth studio behind the first film, had lost interest in the Pattinson-led chapter of the franchise. 

Thankfully, Gunn’s statement on Threads should be a reassuring confirmation, cementing Warner Bros. Bros.’s dedication to the flagship Batman universe. Moreover, the studio’s commitment extends beyond the Batman saga; WB also intends to focus on other major characters in the DC universe—household names like Superman and Wonder Woman. 

the batman
Robert Pattinson in The Batman

The studio also projects venturing into an expansion of the Harry Potter franchise. 

It’s exciting stuff—if only for Gunn’s vocalized confirmation that The Batman Part 2 will likely see the light of day. 

Of course, with events like Comic-Con on the horizon and the subsequent anticipation and hype concerning all things superhero, the status of the next film in The Batman series remains a hot topic. The new spin on the narrative is essentially the brainchild of filmmaker Matt Reeves, whose vision Gunn has consistently expressed confidence in. 

robert pattinson the batman
Robert Pattinson as Bruce Wayne in The Batman

As well he should: the first film, notably featuring Pattinson as the titular character, enjoyed positive responses from critics and audiences alike. Its success sets an exciting stage for The Batman Part 2, in which—hopefully—Reeves will continue to explore and compellingly advance the Batman universe. 

But as much of a relief as Gunn’s giant thumbs may be, interestingly, some key cast members like Jeffrey Wright—who plays Commissioner Gordon—have yet to glimpse the script for the sequel. In fact, in an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Wright cheekily suggested that even those closely involved with the film (more closely involved than Commissioner Gorden?!) await key details.  

This obviously implies the general status of The Batman Part 2: definitely in production but in the early stages.

Zoe Kravitz as Catwoman in The Batman
Zoe Kravitz as Catwoman in The Batman

The preceding movie and one that commenced Reeves’ contribution to the Batman franchise, The Batman, ramped up the noir element always lurking in the universe to unforeseen levels. The result was an engaging, even disturbing (horror elements abounded) conception of Gotham, where a serial killer stalked the streets, gangsters murdered innocents, and, notably, the internet functioned as a major element in the plot. 

Alongside Pattinson, Zoe Kravitz portrayed an excellent Catwoman, and Collin Farrell’s mafioso Penguin was something to behold. The Batman Part 2 promises to be worth looking out for.