The Big Budget Sci-Fi Movie That’s A Secret Star Trek V Remake

By Joshua Tyler | Updated

The plot of Prometheus is almost identical to the plot of Star Trek V: The Final Frontier. Both movies are about a starship crew journeying to a distant part of the galaxy in search of humanity’s creator. Both movies tell the story of what happens when that crew finds him, and he’s nothing at all like what they expect.

But the similarities between Prometheus and Star Trek V are far greater than that of a similar premise. Take a closer look at both films, and you’ll discover that they’re nearly identical. Here’s the proof.

Both Stories Driven By Religious Scientists

The subtext of both Prometheus and Star Trek V involves questioning the value of faith and belief. Both movies have their crews led by scientists who have abandoned logic in favor of blind belief.

In Prometheus, the crew is led through the stars to their creator by Elizabeth Shaw, a scientist who “believes” without evidence that they’ve been invited by their creator to come for a visit. In Star Trek V, the crew of the Enterprise is led across the galaxy to their creator by a Vulcan scientist who has abandoned logic for emotion and, in the process, now pursues faith in an all-powerful creator.

Digging Introductions

How do you introduce new characters? If you’re Prometheus or Star Trek V, you must meet them in some sort of remote location where they’re digging in the dirt.

In Prometheus we’re introduced to faith-scientist Elizabeth Shaw hanging out in a remote area of Scotland digging through sand and stone.

In Star Trek V, we’re introduced to faith-driven Vulcan scientist Sybok hanging out in a remote area on a crummy planet named Nimbus III, where he encounters a man digging in the sand.

Identical Planetary Settings

Some of the sets the two movies use are identical.

In Prometheus, they land their ship on a barren stretch of land, a short distance away from a strange structure that almost seems like it might be a temple. They must travel from their ship to the structure to look for God.

In Star Trek V, oddly enough, they do pretty much the same thing. The Enterprise sends down a shuttle, which lands on a barren stretch of land a short distance away from a strange structure that almost seems like it might be a temple.

In both movies, the structure they are there to investigate is a dome temple. In Trek, the structure looks more like a giant domed Stonehenge.

In Prometheus, the structure is a solid rock dome, but aside from these minor differences, the setting is the same.

Crew Betrayals Are Key

Both Prometheus and Star Trek V end up exploring plot devices that involve crew betrayal.

In Prometheus, everyone seems to have their own agenda, and no one really follows the orders of the ship’s Captain or their employer, Meredith Vickers. In particular, David betrays everyone by poisoning one of the scientists.

In Star Trek V, the usually loyal crew of the Enterprise mutinies and betrays its captain in order to follow the blind beliefs of Sybok. In particular, Spock (the movie’s David) refuses to shoot Sybok and turns the ship over to him.

Two Frantic Races Back To The Ship

Both movies involve a scene in which the crew races back to the ship aboard a vehicle and must make it inside before they’re destroyed.

In Prometheus, this happens as the result of an approaching storm, and the Prometheus team drives back to the ship at a frantic pace in ground vehicles (one of which looks sort of like a Star Trek shuttle on wheels).

They careen straight into the cargo bay and arrive just in time, making it inside before the storm can destroy them.

In Star Trek V, this happens when approaching Klingons threaten to blow them up and so the crew must race back to the Enterprise aboard a shuttle.

They careen straight into the shuttle bay, making it inside just before the Klingons can fire.

You Have An Audience
In both movies, while part of the crew goes out looking for God, the rest stays back on the ship to take care of business. But in both cases, everyone knows what’s going on.

In Prometheus the crew back at the ship watches everything their exploration team does through a series of complex video cameras and sensors.

In Star Trek V, the crew back on the Enterprise watches everything Captain Kirk, Sybok, Spock, and McCoy do because God takes over their viewscreen and magically focuses it on whatever those four do.

Evil Gods In Prometheus And Star Trek V

The big surprise discovery in both movies is that God exists… and he wants us dead.

In Prometheus, our creator is a powerful alien who wakes up and starts killing everyone. He intends to escape the planet where we awaken him and set out into the galaxy to wipe out humanity.

In Star Trek V, our creator is revealed to be a powerful alien who, when discovered, starts trying to kill everyone. He intends to escape the planet where the crew of the Enterprise finds him and set out into the galaxy to begin his reign of terror.

Humanity Is Saved By Self-Sacrifice

In the end, to stop the vengeful alien god-creature from escaping his planet and attacking humanity, someone must sacrifice themselves.

In Prometheus, it’s Captain Janek and the crew of the Prometheus who have to die. They launch their ship at the alien spacecraft, colliding with it and sending them all to their death.

In Star Trek V, the Vulcan Sybok throws himself at the alien creature and wrestles with it, keeping it busy by engaging in a suicidal mind-meld.

Is Prometheus A Star Trek V Ripoff?

Did Ridley Scott rip off Star Trek V: The Final Frontier intentionally? Though the direct similarities are impossible to ignore, it’s hard to imagine that happening on purpose. It’s worth noting, though, that both movies were controversial with fans.

While Prometheus got overall favorable reviews, it’s reviled by many Alien fans who take issue with the plot. Similarly, Star Trek V: The Final Frontier is one of the movies most hated by Star Trek fans, and William Shatner has long been mocked for directing it.

But, if Ridley Scott couldn’t make this premise work in a way that made fans happy, are we expecting too much from William Shatner to be able to succeed where Ridley Scott failed? Whether Prometheus is an intentional Star Trek V remake or not, maybe it’s time we all gave Shatner a break.