Exclusive: Jonathan Majors Is In Deadpool 3

Johnathan Majors is going to be appearing in Deadpool 3.

By James Brizuela | Updated

Now that the wheels have been rolling on Deadpool 3, the world is starting to get many updates in terms of cast and rumored cast. The world was floored when it was announced that Hugh Jackman would be reprising his role as Wolverine for the new sequel. However, through our trusted and proven sources, we can report that Johnathan Majors is going to be appearing in Deadpool 3.

Johnathan Majors appearing in Deadpool 3 brings up some interesting ideas, considering that he is the man playing Kang the Conquerer in this new arc of MCU titles. One idea is that the new sequel movie is going to take things a bit more seriously and Majors is going to be bringing Kang to the movie to wreak havoc on the Marvel characters that are going to be appearing in the sequel. This might also mean that Deadpool is going to be taken a bit more seriously as a character for the future of the MCU, and he won’t just be a throwaway character for his own franchise movies.

kang the conquerer

It would be funny for Johnathan Majors to appear in Deadpool 3, only to be messed with in the same manner that Deadpool messes with everyone. However, Kang is certainly no one to be trifled with, so he could lash out and kill someone like Blind Al in retaliation. We really hope Blind Al is not killed in the movie, as she has been the best character in the Deadpool movies so far, but we are just brainstorming ideas about what could potentially happen.

The new wave of movies from Marvel is leading to the conclusion of Avengers: The Kang Dynasty, so Johnathan Majors appearing in Deadpool 3 could just mean that Deadpool is going to be indoctrinated into the MCU as a proper character this time around and could potentially be one of the new Avengers. We would love to see Deadpool lining up with Captain Marvel, She-Hulk, Ms. Marvel, and whoever else would be on the new team. We would imagine that many people are going to question why he is around at all.

Johnathan Majors appearing in Deadpool 3 joins a list of confirmed and reported characters that are going to be in the sequel. So far, Tom Hiddleston’s Loki, Howard the Duck, Hugh Jackman, and a rumored Taylor Swift will all be in the new movie. Ryan Reynolds has also stated that he wants James Marsden as Cyclops and Halle Berry as Storm to also appear.

Clearly, if all these characters join Johnathan Majors in Deadpool 3, it means the multiverse is clearly going to be the brunt of the jokes in the new sequel. Also, Avengers: Secret Wars is meant to bring in different timeline versions of every character, so it would make sense for them to be brought back in some capacity before that movie comes out, and what better way than to appear in Deadpool 3? Majors’ appearance makes the most sense considering he is meant to be the big baddie of the Marvel universe, and we would imagine he might do far more than just rip Deadpool in half as the Juggernaut did.