Sylvester Stallone Secretly Working On A Major Superhero Franchise

Sylvester Stallone is confirmed to be playing a role in this upcoming major superhero film.

By Drew Dietsch | Published

This article is more than 2 years old

sylvester stallone

Sylvester Stallone has brought his talents to so many great films over the years. Now, we know he is doing just that with one of the most highly anticipated superhero films coming out next year.

James Gunn posted on his Instagram account that Sylvester Stallone was joining him to do some work on The Suicide Squad, the upcoming DC superhero film. You can check out James Gunn’s post making the announcement right here:

You can also watch Sylvester Stallone confirm the announcement himself in this video that was taken from his own Instagram account:

Sylvester Stallone and James Gunn worked together on the Marvel Cinematic Universe film Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, and it looks like they had a great enough working relationship to get together again. However, with principal photography all done on The Suicide Squad, there is a pretty big question that this casting announcement leaves us asking.

And that question is: who is Sylvester Stallone going to be playing in The Suicide Squad? It is very likely that he will be doing a vocal performance since there does not seem to be any current plans to film any more material for the movie. If it’s a voice acting gig, then there are only a couple of options available for Sly. And we are pretty sure we have figured out who he is playing.

king shark

The smart money would be on Sylvester Stallone provided the voice work for the character of King Shark. On the set of The Suicide Squad, the character of King Shark was played by Steve Agee. However, Agee already plays a character in the DC cinematic universe: John Economos. This character will also be appearing in the upcoming spinoff series, Peacemaker. So, why have him play two characters in the movie? The possibility is that he just did the stand-in work on the set, and now Stallone will be dubbing over his performance much the same way Bradley Cooper dubs in Rocket Raccoon’s voice over a stand-in’s performance in the Guardians of the Galaxy movies.

Or Sylvester Stallone could be playing a brand new character that we aren’t yet aware of. We know that production on the Peacemaker series is about to kick off. Is Stallone playing a character for that show that will also appear in The Suicide Squad? Having someone as notable as Stallone connected to the Peacemaker series could up its curiosity factor for casual audiences. And it would be great to see Stallone act alongside John Cena.

peacemaker hbo max logo

Regardless of whatever role he ends up playing, we are simply thrilled to hear that Sylvester Stallone will be joining the cast of The Suicide Squad. That film looks like an absolute blast and a real shot in the arm to the current landscape of superhero cinema. James Gunn seems over the moon with the movie, and now that Stallone is confirmed to be a part of it, we are only more excited for this film. We really hope we will get to see it when it is scheduled to open in theaters on August 6, 2021.