Joss Whedon Knows Why Alien: Resurrection Failed

By Rudie Obias | Updated

Alien: Resurrection joss whedon

Before Joss Whedon became the director of The Avengers or the creator of cult TV shows like Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Firefly, and Dollhouse, he was a working screenwriter building his career in Hollywood. One of the first screenplays he got credit for writing was the fourth installment in the Alien franchise, Alien: Resurrection, directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet.

The movie is terrible, and had stranded the series in limbo until Ridley Scott returned to it with the sci-fi film Prometheus in 2013 (not counting the Alien vs. Predator movies). Needless to say, Joss Whedon has some regrets about Alien: Resurrection.

Speaking to Empire Magazine, Joss Whedon reminisced about his involvement with Alien: Resurrection and the Alien film series as a whole.

Joss Whedon was open and honest with his feelings about the movie saying, “Alien: Resurrection was, I thought, the lowest I could ever feel. And then they cancelled Firefly. ‘Yup, there you go. That’s me feeling even lower.’ Let me quote King Lear — ‘The worst is not, so long as we can say, ‘This is the worst’…””

Joss Whedon then went on to say about Alien: Resurrection “You don’t ever get over it. When you are making a movie you are making something that is going to last forever, especially now with the internet. So there is always going to be a shitty Alien movie out there. A shitty Alien movie with my name on it.”

So what went wrong? Joss Whedon had his own thoughts on why Alien: Resurrection was almost a franchise killer. For starters, he said, “Casting is storytelling. I wrote two characters for Alien: Resurrection and their arc was that you would not know what way they were going to go. One of them turned out to be insane — and what do they do? They call Brad Dourif. So there is no plot twist. Brad is a very good actor but he has been pigeonholed into these roles.

Joss Whedon then finished with, “Then they cast J.E. Freeman as a thug — and his character was also supposed to be a mystery. So there you go again — the mystery is gone. Those are just a couple of examples because there are thousands of them when it comes to Alien: Resurrection.”

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