All The Damage In Terminator 2: Judgment Day

By Brent McKnight | Updated

Terminator 2: Judgment Day

We’ve all done it, sat there watching a movie, in a theater, or at home, and had those little logistic thoughts. You know, thoughts like, who the hell has to clean up after Godzilla stomps through half of Tokyo, or damn, Superman, way to make mess of Metropolis, how much is that going to cost to fix? There is a video attempting to answer one of these questions by tallying up the damage total for a modern science fiction classic, James Cameron’s Terminator 2: Judgment Day.

This Terminator 2: Judgment Day video comes from the folks at Cinema Sins, the same crew behind the “Everything Wrong” videos that catalog grievous cinematic errors.

And, like that series, this is rather exhaustive. Seriously, they register everything, from semi-trailers, entire tow trucks, and dozens of wrecked and damaged cars, down to John Connor’s petty theft, a spilled cup of coffee, and that half a gallon of milk T-1000 sticks his blade arm through.

Then there’s the really big Terminator 2: Judgment Day stuff, like a police helicopter. That one is going to cost you. They even adjust for inflation, which is far more effort than I would put in. Check out the running damage in Terminator 2: Judgment Day.

They aren’t kidding, shit gets wrecked up all over the place. Judgment Day isn’t quite up to a Man of Steel or Avengers levels of destruction. Those guys are toppling buildings left and right, but then again, they have the added benefit of being gods, superheroes, and aliens from dead planets.

All Terminator 2: Judgment Day has going for it is a couple of robots from the future and Linda Hamilton’s arsenal. Still, they don’t do to bad with the tools they’ve got.

I like that they price the Terminators themselves. When I first saw the prices, I had some questions, but luckily for us, they provide a detailed breakdown of how they arrived at the specific values attached to these particular killer automatons.

I’m not 100% sold on their logic, but they put more time and research into the matter than I have, so I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt. The real question is, how do you price Arnold Schwarzenegger?