Marvel Shot Down A Drone To Protect Their Secrets

Samuel L. Jackson claims at least two drones hovering over the set of Secret Invasion were shot down by Marvel.

By Britta DeVore | Updated

marvel drone

We’ve always known that Marvel will go to unfathomable lengths to protect their projects and, according to an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Samuel L. Jackson says that the studio went as far as to shoot down a drone. Trying to keep the “secret” in Secret Invasion under wraps, Jackson says that after an airborne device was spotted, production managed to take it out.

The Pulp Fiction actor, who reprises his role as Nick Fury in the latest Marvel and Disney+ series, says that they were able to track down the person behind another drone flight, simply saying “they got him” and not giving us the juicy details of what happened next.

Well versed in the world of confidentiality, Jackson’s fellow Secret Invasion star Emilia Clarke weighed in on her time dealing with the production team. While one of Marvel’s latest big names didn’t speak about a time dealing with drone espionage, she did bring up her background on Game of Thrones, likening the security process to the final years of the HBO series.

Recalling a meeting that, after ending, she felt her life may be in danger, Clarke said that the protocol was no joke and that it was clear that those at the top were willing to do anything in their power to stop any leaks from happening. 

With a studio around for as long as Marvel and with the risk of secrets getting out, the years have seen a threat come from not only drones but from the actors themselves. During the same interview, Don Cheadle, who reprises his role as War Machine in Secret Invasion, pointed to two members of the superhero team that have never done a super job at keeping the secrets to themselves.

On more than one occasion, both Mark Ruffalo and Tom Holland, who play the Hulk and Spider-Man respectively, have found themselves in the studio’s crosshairs after blurting out information that was supposed to be kept away from public knowledge.

In fact, when it comes to Tom Holland, Marvel would likely have rather had a drone leak than the famous incident of the star coming on stage before a screening of Avengers: Endgame and announcing that his character, who died during the blip in Infinity War, was alive.

How he was able to keep the secret that Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield were joining him in Spider-Man: No Way Home is beyond us, but he managed to keep the suspicions floating until the feature’s opening night. 

tobey maguire andrew garfield
Tom Holland, Tobey Maguire, and Andrew Garfield in Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)

As for Marvel, the key to the studio’s success is keeping its cards close to its chest and ensuring that particular details are never revealed until the film is rolling in theaters.

As for the snipers that have been long rumored and joked about by the stars of Marvel, while they may not have taken out any of the actors, they shouldn’t be tested as we now know that it’s open season when it comes to sneaky drones. You can catch Clarke, Jackson, and Cheadle in Secret Invasion now streaming on Disney+.