Hugh Jackman Is Being Disgusting And Dangerous To Play Wolverine Again

Hugh Jackman is eating 8,000 calories per day to bulk up enough to play Wolverine again in Deadpool 3.

By Jessica Scott | Updated

hugh jackman

Hugh Jackman is returning to the role that made him famous: he will be playing Wolverine in the soon-to-be-filmed Deadpool 3. The only catch? He has to put on a lot of muscle before he gets out those adamantium claws again, and the only way to do that is to eat 8,000 calories a day, according to Variety

As you can see in the tweet above, Hugh Jackman has majorly increased his caloric intake as a part of the “bulking” phase of his preparation to play Wolverine. It should be noted, though, that he is not just eating junk food and he is being watched over by a chef and his trainer to make sure that all this beefing up doesn’t do any damage to his overall health. Still, though, don’t try this at home, kids.

It should also be noted that Hugh Jackman didn’t just flip a switch and go from eating the normal 2,000 calories a day to eating 8,000. He has been slowly building up over the past few months, something he shared with Stephen Colbert on The Late Show in January. Back then, he said that he was working his way up to eating 6,000 calories a day, but was up to somewhere between 4,500 and 5,000 at the time.

Also, at that time, the Hollywood actor and Broadway star was starring in The Music Man on stage, which was causing him to burn 1,500 calories every time he did a show. “I wore a heart rate monitor [for The Music Man] because my trainer said, ‘I need to know what I’m working with here because I’m trying to bulk you up,’” Hugh Jackman told Stephen Colbert. When she saw how much exercise he was getting, his trainer turned up his caloric intake to 4,500 calories a day so that he would maintain the bulk he was trying to put on.

But what, you might ask, does one eat when they have to consume over 8,000 calories a day? Twinkies? Chocolate cake? Lots and lots of pie? In Hugh Jackman’s case, it is black bass (2,000 calories), two chicken burgers (each around 1,000 calories), two grass-fed sirloins (each 1,100 calories), and Patagonia salmon (2,100 calories). Huh. Gaining weight is not as fun as I thought it would be…

Hugh Jackman’s commitment to the role of Wolverine is intense, but there is one thing he swears he would never do to get in shape to play the X-Men hero again: take steroids. While all the eating and exercising and other training he has had to do to play Wolverine over the years has always been tough, he has never resorted to steroids to get muscular faster, in spite of people often wondering about it after seeing all those rippling muscles.

“I love my job,” he told another interviewer, “and I love Wolverine.” But, he said, after seeing the side effects of steroids and how they could take a toll on your body, he said, “I don’t love it that much.” So, in the end, he went the “old school way” and bulked up by just eating a ton of food and working out in the gym. Comic book Wolverine would be proud.