Echo Makes Marvel History For The Worst Reason

By April Ryder | Published

The newest edition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Echo, is making history. However, some reasons for the memorable impact aren’t what the creators would have hoped to see. 

At the time of this writing, Echo is the second lowest-rated MCU show according to the Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer, coming in with only a 69 percent approval rating. You might think that 69 percent isn’t all that bad, but when you look at the ratings of other MCU shows, you can see a clear deficit. 

Echo Is One Of The Lowest Rated Marvel Series

marvel's echo

To put the rating into context, Ms. Marvel has a 98 percent approval rating. Hawkeye (which Echo is intended to be a spinoff of) has a 92 percent approval rating. WandaVision comes in with a 91 percent rating. Loki has an 87 percent approval rating, and the list goes on until you get to Echo with a 69 percent rating and Secret Invasion with a 53 percent approval rating. 

When it comes to the average approval rating for Marvel Universe television shows, Echo is below the curve. The good news is that the show has only been available to view for a couple of days. There’s still plenty of time for it to catch favor with viewers, but only time will tell. 

Marvel Breaks Mold And Releases All Episodes At Once

All five episodes of the miniseries were released at once on Tuesday . January 9, so MCU fans can get the whole picture all at once. This isn’t something Marvel typically does with their content, but given that change is certainly needed in their approach, maybe a bulk release of the season will turn out to be a good thing.Either way, given that the whole snippet of Echo has already been revealed, critics have taken the opportunity to point out the shortcomings in the series. In contrast, Alaqua Cox was an excellent element of the show. Her unique outlook as a deaf superhero is appealing, as well as the exploration of her Native American roots. 

Her Powers Make No Sense

As for what the creators of Echo could have done better … Echo’s powers are somewhat nonsensical, and they are revealed in some strange ways throughout the show. After five episodes, it’s like she too is still somewhat unfamiliar with her abilities. Given that no one knows if we will ever see this character again, it feels like viewers didn’t quite get enough of the story to etch Echo into the MCU as a beloved character. 

The Plot Is Too Convoluted

Also, the storyline or plot of the show doesn’t really make much sense. Echo is supposed to be the one seeking revenge on Kingpin, but she spends most of the show being chased or held captive. It doesn’t seem like much of a statement of rising power. 

The return of Kingpin (who was thought to be dead) would have been a little more surprising too, if the marketing campaigns for Echo didn’t heavily feature the character’s appearance in the show. The marking campaigns also hinted that viewers would get to see more of Daredevil in the series, but he only appears for a brief cameo that only lasts a couple of minutes. 

Does Echo Still Stand A Chance?

Overall, it’s not surprising that the show isn’t ranking well among critics. Whether it’s a sign that Echo just isn’t that great or that viewers are simply worn out with MCU content, there are many red flags suggesting that Disney may not be strong enough to save the Marvel mills we have today.