Ben Affleck To Return As Batman In A New Movie?

Has Zack Snyder's Justice League inspired Ben Affleck to play Batman again?

By Hayden Mears | Updated

ben affleck

If you have seen Zack Snyder’s Justice League, you’ll know that Ben Affleck’s Batman is one of the most important characters in the movie. He is also one of the highlights of Zack Snyder’s belated epic, one whose performance stands tall alongside those of Ray Fisher and Gal Gadot, who portray Cyborg/Victor Stone and Wonder Woman, respectively. Now, rumor has it that Affleck is so pleased with the new version of the movie that he is willing to return as Batman in a future DC Extended Universe film.

Gossip writer Daniel Richtman reports that Ben Affleck is happy with Zack Snyder’s Justice League and may want to return as Batman postThe Flash. Of course, this is just a rumor at this point, but reception to the film has been markedly warmer than what Joss Whedon’s disastrous theatrical cut experienced when it dropped into theaters three years ago. With that in mind, it is not outrageous to consider that maybe Ben Affleck is going to return after all.

After the unmitigated disaster that was Joss Whedon‘s version of Justice League, it is not surprising that Ben Affleck and the other stars were hesitant to return to the DC Extended Universe. Zack Snyder left the project following the sudden death of his daughter in March 2017, prompting Warner Bros. to hire Joss Whedon to replace him in the director’s chair. Soon after the film hit theaters in November of that same year and outraged viewers, fans started demanding that Zack Snyder release his version of the movie. In 2020, their wishes came true when Zack Snyder announced that his original Justice League film, which has since been dubbed the Snyder Cut, was officially coming.

batman justice league

Zack Snyder’s Justice League hit HBO Max last Thursday and has been winning fans over like no one’s business. It seems like many are starting to realize that Snyder can do a good job when given the time and creative freedom. In fact, many are pushing for Zack Snyder, Ben Affleck, and the rest of the cast and crew to return for Justice League 2.

For better or worse, Zack Snyder’s Justice League is the DC event film that should have been. Celebrate it not because its quality is markedly superior to Whedon’s bastardization (because it totally is), but because this is the movie Snyder dreamed of making for years but couldn’t because of a family tragedy. It is encouraging that Ben Affleck reportedly enjoyed the film, and it will be interesting to see if he does end up coming back to one of his most prominent roles.

You can catch Ben Affleck in the Snyder Cut, airing now exclusively on HBO Max. If you haven’t seen it yet but want to do so at some point, give it a gander. Keep in mind that it is a four-hour movie, but luckily you will know whether or not it’s your cup of tea within the first few minutes.

If you have seen it already and want to talk about it, what did you think?