Ben Affleck And Jennifer Lopez Marriage In Danger After New Report

By Sckylar Gibby-Brown | Published

There may be trouble in paradise for Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez. Two sources close to the couple have come forward to report on the celebrities’ marriage. While one source says the long-time couple is not in the best place right now, the other source claims that no challenge could stop the pair’s love for one another.

The Only Good To Come From Gigli

ben affleck jennifer lopez

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez have only been married for two years, but the couple’s history goes back much further. The two actors originally met on the set of Gigli in 2002. They dated for two years, got engaged, and then broke up. 

19 years later, the couple met again. This time, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez seemed to reconcile whatever differences originally drew them apart, and they got married exactly 20 years after meeting in 2022. The couple reportedly lives apart just two years after saying their marital vows.

Living Seperately

Ben Affleck Jennifer Lopez

Multiple sources have confirmed that, while not yet divorced, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez are living separately. Lopez currently resides in the couple’s $60 million Beverly Hills mansion, while the Air actor-director is crashing in a rental a few miles away. Two sources have spilled the tea on what is driving a wedge between the previously happy couple.

Stark Differences Between The Two Stars

ben affleck

A music source close to the “Waiting for Tonight” singer says Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez are two completely different people, and while they’ve tried to compromise, their differences are pushing them apart. While Lopez is open and outgoing, allowing her fans to see into her life through posts on social media and in her recent documentary, The Greatest Love Story Never Told, Affleck is more private, preferring to have privacy he can’t have while married to his wife.

According to the source, Ben Affleck has had a hard time with the publicity Jennifer Lopez has welcomed with her recent projects, which are quite revealing to the couple’s private lives. The Greatest Love Story Never Told accompanies Lopez’s new album, This Is Me… Now: A Love Story, which follows Lopez throughout her life on her journey to self-love.

Jennifer Lopez Shares Her Life With The Public

jennifer lopez

The documentary debuted in February on Prime Video and in it Ben Affleck reflected on his relationship with Jennifer Lopez, which has spanned over the course of 22 years. From 2002 to 2004, the couple had a high-profile relationship that the world followed almost as closely as they followed the Brad Pitt/Jennifer Anniston/Angelina Jolie love triangle of 2005. Under the weight of celebrity-mania, “Bennifer” fell apart.

Ben Affleck Is A Private Person

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When the couple rekindled their romance in 2021, Ben Affleck asked Jennifer Lopez to not share their relationship on social media. However, soon realizing that he was asking Lopez to change a part of herself, he gave in. “I sort of realized it’s not a fair thing to ask,” Affleck said in the documentary. “It’s sort of like, you’re gonna marry a boat captain and you go, ‘Well, I don’t like the water.’” 

Bennifer 2.0

However, despite giving in, the stark differences between Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez might lead to the end of their relationship for the second time. A source involved in making the documentary has hope for the couple, revealing that while they don’t know if Affleck and Lopez will stay together, this clash of differences is nothing new. Despite the challenges that come from being very different people, “nothing has stopped their love in years.”

Source: People