See Leonardo DiCaprio’s Former Co-Star Replaced In Viral Video

Leonardo DiCaprio's most famous co-star has been replaced in a video. See what everyone's talking about

By Charlene Badasie | Published

This article is more than 2 years old

leonardo dicaprio inception

There are a few key elements a movie needs to become a Hollywood Blockbuster. These usually include a good story, a great director, and charismatic lead stars. But now a videographer has discovered what every film has been missing – a cat! So Tibo Charroppin has been doing his best to add a feline friend to some cult classics like Home Alone, Jurassic Park, and most recently Titanic starring Leonardo DiCaprio.

But Charroppin isn’t adding any old cat to the updated flicks. He is using his pet Lizzy, who the Oregon resident rescued from the Cat Adoption Team five years ago. In his latest video, the four-legged furball who goes by the stage name OwlKitty stars in the James Cameron-directed 1997 romance movie, Titanic. The one-minute and seven-second video includes some of the film’s most popular scenes featuring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. But the British actress has been scrubbed out of each frame which now sees OwlKitty doing cat things. Check out the video of Leonardo DiCaprio starring opposite OwlKitty in Titanic below:

Speaking to NPR about his famous cat, Tibo Charroppin, who works as a senior video editor for the ACLU, talked about what it takes to make these parody mini-movies. “I had a green screen and I had a really cute cat and I wanted to combine the two somehow,” the videographer explained. He also wanted his videos to look fancy and expensive–like the big-budget Leonardo DiCaprio starrer–even though the clips are shot in his kitchen because that’s where he has the best light.

After tinkering with a few ideas, Charroppin decided to use footage of existing movies and television shows and just add in Lizzy. He describes the moment as a no-brainer. Interestingly, production time varies on how involved the filmmaker wants his movies to be. The Titanic video starring Leonardo DiCaprio alongside OwlKitty took almost three months to complete. “The hardest part is not adding Lizzy,” he told NPR. “It’s removing the elements I want to remove seamlessly. It’s trying to remove Kate Winslet, who takes up half the screen because she’s the second lead.”

According to OwlKitty’s website, the jet black ball of floof who did a great job as Leonardo DiCaprio’s co-star gets lots of cuddles and treats for her hard work. There’s even a clip of her walking the red carpet. Away from the cameras Lizzy enjoys chasing her laser pointer and loves the taste of cream cheese. She also spends time with her adoptive mother (a 12-year-old tabby). She has never chased or caught a bird.

The website also gives fans a behind-the-scenes look at what goes into making an OwlKitty movie. Behind the camera, Charroppin works with his wife Olivia Boone and Juliette, the couple’s other cat. So far, Lizzy’s appearance opposite Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic has earned 9,431,914 views on YouTube. But despite her growing fame, the family uses the cat’s platform to promote pet adoption instead of buying pets from a breeder.

“If there was one reason to do all of this is to mostly raise awareness that adopting cats is way better than going to get the full breed cats,” Charroppin explained to NPR. Devoted to the wellbeing of furry friends who need a home, the videographer added that anything his family can do to help makes it all worth it.