Robots Galore At This Year’s CES (Plus Doc Brown And A DeLorean)

By Joelle Renstrom | Updated

This article is more than 2 years old

AlibabaI officially have a new entry on my bucket list — someday, I will attend CES, the Consumer Electronics Association’s (CEA) international conference showcasing the best inventions and innovations from around the world. With over 3,000 exhibits and 300 conferences and sessions, this is a tech geek’s dream. They’ve got electronics, computers, gaming, telecommunications, driverless cars, and, most importantly, robots. And more robots. For those of us who didn’t get to attend the conference, I’m sure we’ll see some of these bots on the market soon. Until then, here’s a preview to get you all excited and ready to shell out dough for these robots that perform very specific tasks.


Hey, I recognize these guys — they’ll make you coffee, among other things. Plus, they look like Transformers.


This one’s for those people who wouldn’t be caught dead on a Segway, but would love to see a robot on one, especially given that it’s smartphone controlled.


This robot has a humanish head and a smartphoneish body. It’s designed for advertising, and can identify gestures, voices, and faces and respond to them accordingly. I bet it’s really good at saying, “No, you don’t look fat in that!”


Anyone who’s labored over the barbecue knows that cleaning the grill is the worst part of the job. That’s exactly the type of task robots are meant for. Put the Grillbot on the grill, push the button, and sit back as this little orange gizmo zooms around and cleans all the nasties off the grates.


Have you ever washed windows? It totally sucks, no? Why not have a robot do it? Stick this thing on your window, push a button, and watch it go.

Vex IQ
Vex IQ

Check out this robot Lego thing! It’s designed to teach robot programming to kids. It can be driven remotely and has sensors and a computer brain that allows it to perform tasks and complete challenges.

And that’s just for starters. Imagine what would happen if all the robots at CES joined together, took control of the other devices there, and…well, they would gamble, naturally. The conference is in Las Vegas, after all. And I bet these robots could kill it at the tables.

[If you prefer pop culture icons to robotic helpers, here’s Christopher Lloyd arriving at CES in a friggin’ DeLorean. – Ed.]