Wheel Of Time Movie Nabs Marvel & DC Regular As Director

By Robert Scucci | Published

wheel of time season 3

Deadline reports that Jay Olivia, who has worked on a number of Marvel and DC properties in the past, will be directing an upcoming animated movie based on Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time Series. Slated for production in early 2024, the movie will be set on a timeline that takes place before the events that occurred in the 14 novels and the Amazon Prime TV series of the same name. Though we’re still in the early development stages, we know that Olivia will be working alongside Zack Stentz (Thor), who wrote the screenplay.

Jay Olivia, involved with both Ant-Man and Batman vs. Superman, among many others, is helming an animated Wheel of Time movie.

The 3D animated feature will be entitled The White Tower and continue to build out the rich and expansive world that the Wheel of Time series has established up to this point. The movie’s story will center on a young girl who is tasked with using her magical powers to save her family and friends from evil forces that visit her mountain village.

The White Tower will serve as a prequel movie to the Wheel of Time series on Amazon.

The White Tower will be produced by Rick Selvage and Larry Mondragon of iwot productions, and the animation will be provided by Squeeze Animation Studios. Speaking about his enthusiasm for the Wheel of Time franchise, Olivia holds the Robert Jordan novels in high regard, stating that it’s been a lifelong dream of his to work on a film based on the intellectual property that inspired him to become a filmmaker in the first place. One aspect of the project that he’s particularly enthusiastic about is the fact that his creative team has the freedom to expand on Jordan’s works and continue to bring his vision into new territory while also honoring his legacy.

wheel of time season 2
Rosamund Pike in The Wheel of Time

Jay Olivia’s directorial vision, as well as his love for the Wheel of Time novels, tell us that he’s the right guy for the job. Not only does his background in directing animated features include titles like The Dark Knight Returns (Part 1 and Part 2), Batman: Assault on Arkham, and Batman vs. Robin, but he has helped work the storyboards for popular titles like Ant-Man, Batman v. Superman, and Deadpool. His ability to see the big picture and work across multiple intellectual properties with verve and enthusiasm tells us that he has his finger on the pulse and will give loyal fans of the series exactly what they’re looking for with his latest effort.

The 3D animated feature will be entitled The White Tower and continue to build out the rich and expansive world that the Wheel of Time series has established up to this point.

Selvage and Mondragon are no strangers to the lore either, and both function as executive producers on the critically acclaimed Wheel of Time television series, which was renewed for its third season a year ahead of its second season premiere.

If you’re unfamiliar with all things Wheels of Time related, you’ve got a lot of heavy lifting to do to prepare for the upcoming animated movie. If you’re not one for reading, the Amazon Prime series comes with strong recommendations, but don’t blame us if you get sucked into the novels as well. If you get started now, you’ll have plenty of time to prime yourself for The White Tower’s release.

The Wheel of Time just concluded its second-season run on October 6, 2023, and you have plenty of lead time to work your way through the 16 episodes that are currently available across two seasons.