See The Umbrella Academy Ready To Fight In New Season 3 Teaser

They came to throw down!

By Michileen Martin | Published

This article is more than 2 years old

umbrella academy season 3

It’s been almost two years since we last saw the time-lost heroes of the Umbrella Academy end their second season on Netflix thinking they had returned home, only to be faced with a world that — instead of the Umbrella Academy — spawned the Sparrow Academy. More shocking yet, this new group of young heroes includes a living, breathing version of their late brother Ben (Justin H. Min). Thanks to a new teaser, we know that if you thought these two groups intended on settling things peacefully in The Umbrella Academy season 3, you are very much wrong.

The teaser for the upcoming season was dropped on social media yesterday. It’s 17 seconds long and doesn’t include a single line or word of dialogue. Along with unveiling a tense moment in The Umbrella Academy season 3, it gives us the premiere date of the new episodes — Wednesday, June 22. You can watch the teaser below.

The Umbrella Academy season 3 teaser opens with the super strong Luther (Tom Hopper) stepping back from Marcus (Justin Cornwell), and it looks like the two have just exchanged some angry words. Members of the rival academies give each other challenging, dirty looks. Ben cracks his neck and Klaus (Robert Sheehan) bounces up and down like a boxer waiting for the bell to ring. Before the cut-away, Marcus steps forward, clearly about to attack.

We don’t yet know a lot about the powers the Sparrow Academy members will be displaying in The Umbrella Academy season 3, but thanks to last year’s introduction to the group, we do know a little bit. Marcus, the leader of the Sparrows, is described as being “as strong as he is smart,” suggesting he might have some enhanced strength. We’re assuming Ben will display the same power set — the tentacles that emerge from his chest — as he did in previous seasons. Alphonso (Jake Epstein) is physically scarred in numerous horrific ways from crimefighting, suggesting he enjoys some heightened physical durability and/or healing. Christopher, the “existential dread inducing psykronium cube” is said to have telekinetic powers.

We may not know what powers they’re all wielding but we know something arguably a lot more important — who the members of the Sparrow Academy are on the inside. From Netflix’s descriptions, overall they seem not exactly evil, but certainly a bit more vicious from the heroes we’ve gotten to know before The Umbrella Academy season 3. The Sparrow version of Ben for example, is dead set on taking the team leadership from Marcus however he needs to accomplish that. Fei (Britne Oldford) is as vengeful as she is lonely, Jayme (Cazzie David) is a fear-inducing loner, and Alphonso covers his despair with dark humor and alcohol (he and Klaus may get along eventually).

Will these teams spend all of The Umbrella Academy season 3 at each other’s throats? Will they learn to work together? Or will the OG team do more time-hopping to try to “fix” things and wipe out the Sparrows from existence? We’ll find out more when the new season drops on Netflix on June 22.