The X-Files Creator Reignites Finale Controversy Over Scully

By Christopher Isaac | Published

It is often very difficult for a series to pick up years after its original end to capture the same magic it had before. That was certainly true for The X-Files, which got picked back up again in 2016 for two more seasons, which resulted in some divided reception from fans. And now series creator Chris Carter is stoking those flames again with a new revelation about the final season of ­The X-Files: Scully’s pregnancy, which was revealed in the series finale, might be a result of aliens!

Scully’s Pregnancy

Season eleven of The X-Files was admittedly not what many fans had envisioned, further exacerbated by such moments as Scully’s actress Gillian Anderson revealing she was originally offered half of David Duchovny’s pay to return.

However, even on screen, the revelations of mysteries long built up had many fans more disappointed than satisfied. The reveal of Scully’s pregnancy felt to some like a moment more worthy of a soap opera than sci-fi drama. But perhaps Chris Carter’s new statement will change that perception.

Gillian Anderson Not Happy

Gillian Anderson

At a New York City event celebrating 30 years of The X-Files, Chris Carter commented on Gillian Anderson initially being one of the people displeased with how Scully was handled and his ending for the show.

“Gillian got very angry at me. And it’s like, I wasn’t sure why that was. But I actually welcomed the controversy, I thought that it was a good thing.” Carter’s statement sounded like he felt getting people talking was good regardless of the reason, but he did express confusion at some fan’s conclusions.

All Science Fiction

Elaborating further on The X-Files finale and Scully’s place in it, Carter said, “Why does anyone think that this pregnancy is anything other than science fiction? This is the science fiction show where pregnancy is spelled out actually at the beginning of the episode where the truth is out there is something else, and it is what I had in mind. So I just want to go on record to say, it’s not necessarily Mulder and Scully’s child.”

Another X-Files Mystery

ryan coogler x-files

Even with the series long concluded by this point, this has already gotten debate about the show stirring up again.

The X-Files‘ original run was from 1993 to 2001, and its continuation ran from 2016 to 2018.

So, even over three decades after The X-Files premiered, fans are still receiving new details that change the way they look at Mulder and Scully. Though to be clear, Chris Carter seemed to be offering more food for thought about the possible nature of Scully’s pregnancy rather than directly confirming anything one way or another.

And with how much The X-Files fanbase loves a mystery, perhaps that is the way they prefer it.

William Not Mulder’s Son?

X-Files Scully

The hints were already dropped earlier in The X-Files finale, with Scully revealing to Mulder that William is not their son.

She divulges that William is merely an experiment created in a lab and that she was forced to carry it like her own child until it was viable.

Given that revelation, it is certainly not outside the realm of possibility that Scully’s pregnancy that she reveals to end the show could also be something of a sci-fi nature.

Never Say Never

X-Files Scully

It is unlikely that The X-Files will give us an official answer on the subject, though Gillian Anderson recently revealed that she would not rule out returning as Scully in the right circumstances.

It has already been six years since the show’s last finale, but it was a far longer gap between the 2001 finale and the continuation in 2016.

So perhaps the answer is never say never. But for now, the fans will have to figure it out with their own theories.

Source: Variety