Sons Of Star Trek Gives A New Generation Their Own Story

By Zack Zagranis | Published

IDW just announced a new comic book series, Star Trek: Sons of Star Trek, that will focus on a new generation of characters. The comic book publisher announced the new series during the Star Trek: Boldly Going Panel at the recent New York Comic Con. According to, the series will be four issues long and a spinoff of IDW’s Day of Blood crossover event that saw the crews from the ongoing Star Trek comic series and Star Trek: Defiant team up to face a deadly threat.

sons of star trek
Sons of Star Trek #1

Sons of Star Trek will focus on the spawn of two fan-favorite franchise veterans. The series will follow Jake Sisko—son of Deep Space Nine‘s Benjamin Sisko—as he deals with the aftermath of the Day of Blood event. The book will also focus on Alexander Rozhenko, the offspring of Star Trek: The Next Generation‘s resident Klingon, Worf, as he recovers from his indoctrination by the Klingon Emperor Kahless II  as well as the death—and eventual resurrection—that stemmed from it. The two will cross paths after being transported to an old plot device, the “alternate universe.”

“Star Trek is a franchise that has rewired my DNA and provided me a sense of comfort amongst its characters and stories.”

Sons of Star Trek writer Morgan Hampton

The alternate universe in Sons of Star Trek will be one as yet unvisited in the franchise. Jake and Alexander are both members of Starfleet and serve aboard the U.S.S. Burton in this reality.

While moonlighting in the alternate universe, the two run into other Star Trek babies, including Nog and Q Junior. Whether the book will introduce even more offspring of famous characters—such as Picard and Crusher’s son Jack—remains to be seen.

Former Cyborg scribe Morgan Hampton will write the new series, while Angel Hernandez will be handling art duties on the book. “Star Trek is a franchise that has rewired my DNA and provided me a sense of comfort amongst its characters and stories,” said Hampton before declaring his excitement to be working on the project.

“Defining new personalities and making the characters face completely new situations is incredible. It’s all-new, but it’s all Trek.”

Sons of Star Trek artist Angel Hernandez

The writer went on to say that, along with Hernandez, he would be creating a story full of “shock, excitement, and wonder” based on characters who don’t usually find themselves front and center.

Hampton claims that Trekkies, both new and old, will find the familiar charm at the heart of Sons of Star Trek and called the comic a “dream come true.” Artist Angel Hernandez said he focused on the challenge of creating something from scratch in the already-established universe and called the experience “exciting.”  

The upcoming IDW comic Sons of Star Trek will focus on characters like Jake Sisko, Alexander Rozhenko, Nog, and Q Jr.

“Defining new personalities and making the characters face completely new situations is incredible. It’s all-new, but it’s all Trek.” Hernandez added.

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Star Trek #1 (DC Comics, 1984)

IDW is just the latest in a long string of comic book publishers that have produced four-color adventures set in the universe Roddenberry built. Trek made its comic book debut with the now-defunct Gold Key Comics in 1967 before jumping ship to Marvel in 1979.

The property boldly went to DC in 1984 before warping back to Marvel in 1995. In between, there were various newspaper strips, a manga, and even some McDonald’s exclusive comic strips produced in conjunction with the fast food giant’s Star Trek: The Motion Picture Happy Meals before the franchise landed at its current home, IDW.

Sons of Star Trek is expected to debut sometime in early 2024