Star Trek: Section 31 Movie Recasts Fan-Favorite Enterprise Captain

By Nikola Pajtic | Updated

Star Trek is a franchise that keeps on giving. Although we have witnessed a few years of struggle, the future looks bright, especially now with Michelle Yeoh joining the franchise. A recent report reveals that the upcoming Star Trek: Section 31 movie will see an intriguing casting direction. Start Trek: Section 31 is set to rewrite history by recasting the franchise’s first female Enterprise captain, Rachel Garrett.

Kacey Rohl Cast As Captain Rachel Garrett

This is poised to change the franchise’s timeline and bring a beloved character back into the mix. Now, the much younger Kacey Rohl of Red Riding Hood and White Lie fame will take the helm, hinting at a bold new direction for the secretive Section 31

Tricia O’Neal First Played Captain Garrett

star trek villain

Garrett was originally played by the iconic Tricia O’Neal.

When O’Neal was among the greats as the first female Enterprise captain, she was in her mid-40s, while Kacey Rohl is now 32 years old. This particular recasting means that the movie might be set earlier than expected, potentially in the early 24th century. This timeframe aligns with Captain Rachel Garrett’s command of the Enterprise-C, suggesting that Star Trek: Section 31 could explore a new chapter in her story. 

A Hint At Michelle Yeoh’s Landing Point?

This also sheds light on the possible landing point for Michelle Yeoh’s character, Philippa Georgiou, who was last seen disappearing through the Guardian of Forever on Discovery.

Now, if we go back in time and revisit The Next Generation episode, “Yesterday’s Enterprise”, in which Garret was at the helm of Enterprise-C the year is 2344. This beloved episode explored the consequences of a temporal rift that flung the Enterprise-C into Picard’s future creating an alternate timeline where the Federation was embroiled in a brutal war with the Klingons. It is then when Picard went on to say his infamous line “Let’s make sure history never forgets the name Enterprise.”

Garrett Is A Welcome Addition To The Section 31 Movie

Following this, Garrett was nowhere to be seen, but she became a hero in the eyes of many, saving her crew. In her honor, Starfleet erected a statue in an episode of Star Trek: Picard, events that happened decades following her death. 

Although Garrett was a one-off, she quickly became a fan-favorite captain and with her inclusion in Start Trek: Section 31, the movie is poised for great success, especially with a chance of a deeper lore on her character. 

Something For Old And New Fans

Nevertheless, screenwriter Craig Sweeney when asked about the upcoming film said, “It was always my goal to deliver an entertaining experience that is true to the universe but appeals to newcomers.” He continued with, “I wanted a low barrier of entry so that anybody could enjoy it.

Star Trek: Section 31 Is Expeted To Release Next Year

While this isn’t a typical recast due to the age difference between the actresses, but rather a revisit of the character, fans are very interested to see where Star Trek: Section 31 will take us and where Rachel Garrett fits into the story.  All the fans of the valiant female captain have something to look forward to when the film hits Paramount+ next year.