The Nerdist Year In Review Trailer, Prepare For Full Tennant Action

By Steve West | Updated

The Nerdist is the latest in a long line of podcast addictions for me, so I’ve been aware of the special airing this evening. Just because I obsessively listen to 20 podcasts each week doesn’t mean everyone else is crazy. The Nerdist special will cover all of the geeky things that happened this past year with host/owner/overlord Chris Hardwicke and friends Matt Mira and Jonah Ray.

According to our sister site the show will feature some truly nerdtastic guests. The Nerdist: Year In Review includes the usual hostful cast with special appearances by Wil Wheaton, David Tennant, Nathan Fillion, and Simon Pegg. If you’ve listened to the podcast, or saw the previous special, you should have a good grasp on the concept. Watch the trailer below for a taste.

The Nerdist: Year In Review special airs at 9:00pm ET on BBC America on December 24th.