Star Wars Rebels Photos Show The Gang Up To No Good

By Brent McKnight | Updated

Star Wars RebelsGood god, Star Wars, you’re killing us here. Because finally, after 18 plus months of speculation, rumor, and innuendo, they finally announced the key actors for their upcoming Star Wars: Episode VII. But that’s not enough, so it also came out that they’re still looking to add one more female cast member. Then we watched the wizards from Harry Potter take on lightsaber-wielding Jedi Knights, and NASA even had a special message for Star Wars Day—May the 4th. Seriously, it feels like all we’ve been writing about today is Star Wars, though we did manage to squeeze in some Godzilla stories and an article about a Doctor Who porn parody, just to mix things up.

But, because there’s never enough Star Wars talk to go around, and because the animated arm of the franchise was feeling left out, there’s some news on the Star Wars Rebels front. USA Today unveiled a handful of new stills from the upcoming series, and we also got news that they will drop a new trailer on Sunday, May 4—get it, “May the Fourth be with you.”

This first picture shows the whole Rebels crew, including Jedi-Knight-in-hiding Kanan Jarrus, 14-year-old Ezra Bridger, Lasat tough guy Zeb Orrelios, Mandalorian explosive expert Sabine Wren, pilot of the ship called the Ghost, Hera Syndulla, and sassy C1-10P astromech known as Chopper. You can’t help but be a little bit jealous of Ezra’s sweet sci-fi wrist-rocket.

Star Wars RebelsIt’s not entirely clear what is going on in this picture, but Kanan, Zeb, and Sabine are giving you the stink eye. If I had to hazard a guess about what they’re doing, it looks like they’re stealing something that doesn’t belong to them. They have a we’re-up-to-no-good air about them.

Star Wars RebelsRebels takes place after the events of Revenge of the Sith and five years before you pick up with A New Hope. But, even in this area that we’re not used to, watching the seeds of the Rebel Alliance, it’s nice to know that some thing will stay the same, like the fact that stormtroopers will always, always be shooting at you no matter where you go. Take comfort in that stability.

Star Wars RebelsAgain, you get the sense that something is about to get stolen in this picture as well. Sabine’s posture, and the lurking in the shadows, definitely suggests that she’s about to jack one of those TIE Fighters. Joyriding around in one of those bad boys would he a hell of a good time.

Star Wars Rebels debuts this October with a one-hour special on the Disney Channel before it moves to its regular home on Disney XD. The trailer will air at 7:00 p.m. Eastern and Pacific on May 4 on Disney XD during LEGO’s Star Wars: The New Yoda Chronicles. It will be available online at 12:01 a.m. PST on the 4th.