French Prometheus Blu-Ray Release Announced, Hints At What We’ll Get In America
One of the most talked about movies this summer is Ridley Scott’s Prometheus. Many were hoping the lingering questions that remained unanswered by the film’s end would finally get some answers when the movie’s blu-ray is released. Movie fans in the States will have to wait a bit longer, but the French blu-ray of Prometheus will be released on Oct 3rd. If the American release (which you can already pre-order here
) is anything like the French release then fans of the would-be Alien prequel are in for a special multi-disc treat.
There will be two Blu-ray releases for Prometheus in France. One release will be a three-disc edition full of bonus features like behind-the-scenes footage, audio commentary track by Ridley Scott, Prometheus featurettes and deleted scenes. It will come with the 3D and 2D versions of the film. The release comes with a two-hour making-of documentary split into nine smaller parts and will hopefully have a “play all” feature.
The second release is an epic nine-disc blu-ray edition is titled Evolution: From Prometheus to Alien and will include all of the specs of the Prometheus blu-ray release plus the complete Alien Quadrilogy. That’s a lot of Alien watching!
Remember this is not the director’s cut or extended edition of Prometheus, which will come down the line some time. The release will be exactly what you saw in theaters so maybe questions will still remain unanswered.
If the French release of Prometheus is anything like the yet-to-be-announced American release, then this is something to get excited about, or at the very least, we can all be envious of the French. Some have thought the tag at the end of the Prometheus end credits, 10.11.12, would have some baring on the home video release but it looks like that’s not going to happen now.
Full specs for the three-disc Prometheus blu-ray release:
Disc 1 (Prometheus 2D) (+150 minutes of bonuses):
On disc:
Cut scenes or alternative (15 mins)
Audio commentary by director (120 mins)
The private records of Peter Weyland, four viral videos (18 mins):
– The offer of Elizabeth Shaw
– Happy Birthday David
– Prometheus Transmission (extended version)
– The conference Weyland in 2023 (long version)
Outside the disk: Second Screen App: App iPad Control Blu-ray Remote which gives access to the archives of Peter Weyland (60 mins):
– First and final draft of the script (text)
– Sketches of Ridley Scott (photo gallery)
– The Art of Prometheus (photo gallery)
– Pre-visualization (30 mins)
– Tests of Noomi Rapace (15 mins)
– The costume design (photo gallery)
– Tests “look” of the cast (10 mins)
– Graphic Video Dashboard
– Photographs of the team
– Video of the private pilot
Production and post-release:
– Marketing GalleryDisc 2 (Prometheus 3D):
The 3D filmDisc 3 (Bonus material):
The angry gods: how to make the Prometheus of Ridley Scott, 9 videos (120 mins):
– At the Conquest of Paradise (scenario)
– The engineering upside down (direction & design)
– The manifest human (characters & costumes)
– A nest of demons (creature design)
– A world without green spaces (Pinewood)
– Gains of chance (stunts & action)
– The beginning and end (Iceland)
– The sky on fire (visual effects)
– Prometheus without limits (post-production and theatrical release)
Units of improvement (30 mins):
– Mini-featurettes
The archives of Peter Weyland (60 mins)Full Specs for the nine-disc Prometheus + Alien Quadrilogy blu-ray release:
Disc 4 (Alien):
Audio commentary by Ridley Scott, Dan O’Bannon, Ronald Shusett (prod. exec.), Terry Rawlings (assembly), Sigourney Weaver, Tom Skerritt, Veronica Cartwright, Harry Dean Stanton and John Hurt
Audio commentary by Ridley Scott (on theatrical version only)
Isolated track of the soundtrack composed by Jerry Goldsmith final
Isolated track of the original film music composed by Jerry Goldsmith
Cut and extended scenes
Interactive experience with the computer MU-TH-URDisc 5 (Aliens):
Audio commentary by James Cameron, Gale Anne Hurd (prod.), Stan Winston (FX), Robert Skotak (FX), Dennis Skotak (FX), Pat McClung (models), Michael Biehn, Bill Paxton, Lance Henriksen, Jenette Goldstein, Carrie Henn and Christopher Henn
Isolated track of the soundtrack composed by James Horner final
Isolated track of the original film music composed by James Horner
Cut and extended scenes
Interactive experience with the computer MU-TH-URDisc 6 (Alien3):
Audio commentary by Alex Thomson (Chief Op.), Terry Rawlings (assembly), Alec Gillis (FX), Tom Woodruff Jr. (FX), Richard Edlund (FX), Paul McGann and Lance Henriksen
Isolated track of the soundtrack composed by Elliot Goldenthal final
Cut and extended scenes
Interactive experience with the computer MU-TH-URDisc 7 (Alien – The Resurrection):
Audio commentary by Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Herve Schneid (assembly), Alec Gillis (FX), Tom Woodruff Jr. (FX), Pitof (FX), Sylvain Despretz (FX), Ron Perlman, Dominique Pinon and Leland Orser
Isolated track of the soundtrack composed by John Frizzell final
Cut and extended scenes
Interactive experience with the computer MU-TH-URDisc 8 (additional bonus # 1 Alien saga):
“Making the anthology” (720 ‘):
– “The Beast Within is a” making of Alien
– “A superior firepower” of making of Aliens
– “Wreck and rage”: the making of Alien 3
– “One more step beyond the” Making of Alien: ResurrectionDisc 9 (complementary bonus # 2 Alien saga):
“Archives anthology”:
. Pre-production
. Production
. Post-production
. “The experience of terror”
. “The archives of Laserdic Collector”
. “Alien Legacy”
. “American Film: Ridley Scott questions / answers”
. Trailers and TV spots
. Pre-production
. Production
. Post-production
. Pre-production
. Production
. Post-production
. “Alien 3: report on the first pictures”
. “The Making of Alien 3”: report
. Trailers and TV spots
– Alien: Resurrection:
. Pre-production
. Production
. Post-production
. “HBO First Look: The Making of Alien, the Resurrection”
. “Alien Resurrection” documentary promo
. Trailers and TV Spots
. Two versions of “Alien Evolution”
. “The Alien saga”
. Gallery of logos and insignia
. “Aliens 3D attraction” photos and script
. “Aliens in the Basement”: the collection of Bob Burns
. Parody
. Gallery Dark Horse blankets
. Interactive experience with the computer MU-TH-UR