Edge Of Tomorrow: Quit Complaining And See It This Weekend

Enough about Tom Cruise already.

By Nick Venable | Updated

This article is more than 2 years old

edge of tomorrow rotten tomatoesThe Reviews are Overwhelmingly Positive

You can’t judge a book by its cover, and it’s true that you also can’t properly judge a book by how many people tell you that the book is good. However, it’s hard to ignore the many, many glowing reviews that have popped up all over the place. (Our sister site Cinema Blend had a particularly positive outlook.) There are few collaborations that have more potential than director Doug Liman (The Bourne Identity) teaming up with screenwriter Christopher McQuarrie (The Usual Suspects). Sure, the detractors are there, and even the good reviews say that the “Live. Die. Repeat.” aspect of the story gets tiring before taking a surprising turn. But I’m willing to take a little bit of plot treading in order to get an original summer tentpole that combines humor and action in a fun and exciting way. There isn’t enough of that out there.

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