Rian Johnson Still Getting A Star Wars Trilogy

Rian Johnson looks to still be on track for his own Star Wars trilogy.

By Drew Dietsch | Updated

rian johnson star wars

Rian Johnson crafted what is inarguably the most controversial entry in the entire Star Wars series, Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi. Some people hate it while others feel it is one of the most brilliant blockbuster franchise entries of all time. Regardless of your personal stance on The Last Jedi, it is unquestionable that the writer/director crafted a Star Wars movie that folks still can’t stop talking about all these years later. It was announced that Johnson was tapped to write his own trilogy of Star Wars movies after The Last Jedi, but with little to no word on that project and no official confirmation from Disney during their massive Investor Day presentation, many fans have assumed that the trilogy had died on the vine.

Well, it looks like that is not the case at all. Writer Sariah Wilson got the opportunity to interview Rian Johnson for an hour and the subject of his proposed Star Wars trilogy came up during the conversation. Here is what Wilson had to say about that:

It sounds like Rian Johnson is still on board for his Star Wars trilogy. As Wilson says, there are no concrete dates at this point, but Johnson sounds to still be committed to it happening. There is very likely the need for Disney to figure out exactly when and where this new trilogy would fit in with their sprawling plans for the Star Wars franchise at the moment. With a plethora of shows announced for Disney+ and another planned movie with Patty Jenkins’s Rogue Squadron, it is probably more a matter of placement than it is desire as far as the Mouse House is concerned.

This is something of a surprise for both critics and supporters of Rian Johnson’s Star wars work. Detractors are probably upset because they seem to take some very personal issues with what Johnson did in The Last Jedi, and likely don’t want to see him do anything else with the Star Wars brand. Fans of The Last Jedi and Johnson’s other films are probably a little shocked since it seemed that Disney had moved past his involvement with the franchise. Either way you land in your feelings about Johnson and The Last Jedi, this confirmation from the writer/director himself is definitely a bit out of left field.

star wars last jedi

There is no doubt that hearing about Rian Johnson’s continued involvement with Star Wars will get the debate around The Last Jedi started again. No matter if you think it’s awful or the best entry in Disney’s Star Wars projects, it is impossible to deny the lasting power of the film and its sway over the discussion about Star Wars. Disney has to know this and it might be why they want to bring Johnson back. They know it will be newsworthy and cause a lot of buzz. Hopefully, we will get to see exactly what Rian Johnson’s trilogy will be and we can have even more new Star Wars stuff to argue about for the next decade.