Michael Mann Only Likes One Marvel Movie

By Sckylar Gibby-Brown | Published

Famed director Michael Mann, the director behind hit action movies like Public Enemies and Collateral has revealed his opinion on Marvel and the MCU’s takeover of Hollywood over the past 15 years. It turns out that in a franchise with 33 films and counting, Mann has only ever liked one Marvel movie: Guardians of the Galaxy.

Michael Mann Enjoys The Guardians Of The Galaxy Movies

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Michael Mann is a legendary filmmaker, so up until now everyone assumed that the guy who helmed The Last of the Mohicans agreed with every other auteur in Hollywood that Marvel movies are not necessarily the crème de la crème when it comes to creative filmmaking.

However, the director surprised everyone when he expressed his appreciation for the Guardians of the Galaxy series and officially diverged from the common narrative among auteur directors who often dismiss the superhero film genre altogether. 

Michael Mann Has No Desire To Make A Superhero Film

I am groot trailer

Michael Mann, known for his iconic works such as Heat and The Insider, joined The Discourse Podcast to discuss his upcoming project, Ferrari, but took a moment to share his thoughts on the Marvel Studios universe. Despite his reluctance to immerse himself in the superhero genre, Mann acknowledged the storytelling prowess of the Guardians of the Galaxy series.“I only make films that I feel passionate about and that place me a little bit more on the frontier,” Michael Mann explained. He said that it was in these kinds of films that he does his best work. “I’d like to be a journeyman director, go from film to film to film.” Then, to explain why he wouldn’t choose to direct a superhero feature despite not holding any type of grudge against the genre, he said, “I don’t think I’d be very good at it. It doesn’t get my blood running.”

Mann Praises The Compelling Stories

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Michael Mann went on to praise the Guardians of the Galaxy films for their well-crafted story structures. He emphasized that the success of these films lies in their ability to expand into myth and create a compelling narrative.

Not Opposed To Making Sci-Fi Movies


“On the other hand, I think that Guardians of the Galaxy, for example, not necessarily this last one, but the two before, have really worked and I love watching them,” Michael Mann said. “And the reason they work is because they have a really, really well done story structure behind them.” He went on to explain that he finds the genre to be an “exciting medium,” but not something he’d ever want to do himself. Michael Mann explained the closest he’d ever come to making a superhero movie would be by diving into the science fiction genre, albeit, sans super-powered people.

Working On Heat 2

For James Gunn, the director behind the two Guardians of the Galaxy films Michael Mann endorsed, Mann’s compliments are likely a source of pride. Nevertheless, Mann’s reluctance to join the superhero bandwagon hints that we shouldn’t expect him to helm an Avengers project anytime soon. As he delves into the highly anticipated Heat 2, it seems Mann’s cinematic focus remains on projects that align with his unique creative vision.

Meanwhile, Michael Mann’s Ferrari, was just released in theaters on December 25.