Marvel Producer Admits Strategy That Hurt The MCU And We All Knew It

By Sckylar Gibby-Brown | Published

Marvel is finally admitting what we all already knew: Disney’s big push to release as much superhero content as possible was a terrible strategy that ultimately hurt the MCU. Candidly addressing the impact of the studio’s rapid Disney+ output, studio executive Brad Winderbaum admitted the quantity-over-quality strategy of the last couple of years almost destroyed the superhero franchise.

The Disney+ Problem

Since the inception of Disney+ in late 2019, Marvel has been a significant contributor to the streaming platform’s content library. However, the strategy to consistently release MCU projects on Disney+ has sparked controversy, with critiques focusing on rushed narratives and diminished quality. After a tumultuous period of mixed to downright panned reception of MCU content, Winderbaum has finally shed some light on why Marvel quality suddenly went so downhill.

Mo’ Content Mo’ Problems

“I mean, frankly, in all honesty, there was a mandate to kind of create as much as we could for Disney+ as quickly as we could.” Winderbaum, Marvel’s Head of Streaming, Television, and Animation, said. While the first few projects Marvel released on streaming, WandaVision and What If…? were lauded by critics and audiences alike, the more content the studio released, the more critics and audiences seemed to come down with a case of superhero fatigue.

The Secret Is Who Thought This Was A Good Idea

secret invasion finale

Ever since Avengers: Endgame in 2019, Marvel has struggled to find its footing, seemingly unsure how the story should continue. This, coupled with the pressure to release as much content as possible, led to a string of projects that were far from the typical MCU standard. The highly anticipated Secret Invasion following Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury was a certified splat on Rotten Tomatoes, with audiences and critics complaining about the rushed production and flat storyline.

Blame K.E.V.I.N.

Once lauded for its incredible storytelling, the MCU is now barely watchable, and the repercussions of the sudden shift are palpable. Luckily, the deterioration is something Marvel is aware of, and they’ve got plans to fix it. 

Disney CEO Bob Iger recently announced a recalibration for the House of Mouse, emphasizing a shift towards prioritizing quality over quantity. This change is echoed within Marvel Studios, with Winderbaum confirming the adoption of a more restrained approach to new MCU projects. “All of a sudden, we have to start spreading our release dates out. So, that really accounts for a lot of the delays,” Winderbaum explained.

Delays Are Good

Agatha marvel

While delays aren’t typically something fans love to hear about, in this case, they’re good news for the MCU. As Winderbaum explained, Marvel is now using that extra time to develop a more deliberate creative process. “We’re not sitting idle. So, it’s like it stays in the oven,” he said, emphasizing the importance of allowing projects room to mature. 

The Merry Mutant Society

Deadpool & wolverine

Recognizing their mistakes of the past, Marvel is pulling a full strategy overall, causing a notable reduction in upcoming releases. The studio is set to debut Deadpool and Wolverine theatrically this summer, alongside the WandaVision spin-off Agatha on Disney+. On the animated MCU front, the highly anticipated X-Men ’97 was released in March.

As Marvel navigates this transition, the focus remains squarely on delivering content of exceptional quality. It’s a good sign for MCU fans as it signals a renewed commitment to create the quality projects we’d like to see.