The Falcon And The Winter Soldier Viewing Stats Revealed And It’s A Shocker

The first viewing numbers are out for the first season of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier and they will completely shock you.

By Doug Norrie | Published

This article is more than 2 years old

Falcon and the Winter Soldier

The numbers are in and the folks at Marvel and Disney have to be pretty happy. That’s because, if the most recent data is in any way accurate, then The Falcon and the Winter Soldier was a massive success for the studio. Apparently, for the month of April, the show was the most-watched series across any streaming platform, besting offerings on Netflix, HBO Max, Amazon and others. Concerns over a dwindling viewer base or excitement about the next stories in this phase of Marvel characters can be temporarily laid to rest. According to Variety, a Captain America story without the original Captain America had fans turning out in droves. 

This recent news around The Falcon and the Winter Soldier comes from the numbers provided comes from the company TVision and they used their proprietary analytics to break down viewing habits over the course of April. Those were then provided directly to Variety. The numbers are incredibly strong for the show which easily topped other platform programs like Netflix This is a Robbery: The World’s Biggest Art Heist and The Serpent as well as Amazon’s Them. 

falcon and the winter soldier feature

It’s worth noting that the TVision reports its data, not by the total number of households that actually view the program, that’s more a Nielsen thing, but rather by percentage above average, the show was viewed. In this way, it somewhat controls for the viewing patterns across the industry during a certain section of time rather than just putting up overall streaming numbers. With this in mind, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier was viewed 40 times more than the average streaming program during the month of April. This is nothing short of a massive win for Disney+. 

The aforementioned Nielsen ratings aren’t out yet for April seeing as they often have a one-month delay in full reporting. It will be interesting to see where exactly The Falcon and the Winter Soldier stacks up against other shows across the industry, network and cable included. As part of this Variety reporting, it was speculated that the show was helped by releasing on a weekly schedule rather than dumping the whole entire season at once which has been a Netflix staple. There’s reason to believe that sticking to a more traditional release model greatly helped the overall engagement with the show. 

falcon & winter soldier

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier picked up after the events of Avengers: Endgame and told the story of how Anthony Mackie’s Sam Wilson and Sebastian Stan’s Bucky Barnes acclimated to a world without their friend and ally, Captain America. It was a show about the societal adherence to following heroes but also how a divided America (and world) played its part in who we put on a pedestal. Dealing with issues of race, among other things, it was a new kind of story for the Marvel catalog. And it was clearly a big success. 

With Sam Wilson now definitively Captain America, it will be interesting to see where The Falcon and the Winter Soldier goes from here. The characters are still firmly planted in the universe, but the show could be one-and-done. That’s because Mackie is getting his own movie as Cap in what marks a major shift for the Universe. If this was the only season of the show, they know at least that the season had a big audience and was a major hit for the studio.