Exclusive: Charlize Theron Cast In A Major Marvel Role

Thanks to some information from a trusted and proven inside source for Giant Freakin Robot, that Charlize Theron has been cast in a major role for Marvel.

By Faith McKay | Published

This article is more than 2 years old

charlize theron

Charlize Theron has played Furiosa in Mad Max, Cipher for Fast & Furious, and Stella in The Italian Job. She’s had so many iconic roles during her career that it can be difficult to choose just three to mention as the most memorable or important. So what else is there left for her to do? Thanks to some information from a trusted and proven inside source for Giant Freakin Robot, we can now report that Charlize Theron has been cast in a major role for Marvel.

According to our source, she is past the talking stage. She has been cast in an upcoming movie. While our source did not confirm what the role is, they did share that Charlize Theron’s new character is a hero. They said that the announcement from Marvel will come sometime over the next few months.

Charlize Theron joining Marvel makes a lot of sense. She’s still a huge actress with a decades-long career. She’s shown an interest in major franchises with her role in F9 as Cipher. She’s played an action-heavy assassin role in Aeon Flux. While that movie wasn’t well-received, perhaps her new role at Marvel will give her a second chance to show similar skills. The big question now is, who will she play? There are two big notes here. First, she’s playing a hero. Second, it will likely be revealed in the next few months. With that in mind, then we can look at Marvel movies we expect to see coming with big announcements. While this is only speculation, the biggest arrow would point to casting Charlize Theron as Sue Storm for Fantastic Four.


Sue Storm would definitely count as a major Marvel role. While it’s always been possible that the studio could go the route of casting unknown actors to make up the superhero team, this is a movie that’s been anticipated for a long time. Casting Charlize Theron as the Invisible Woman would be a strong play to make this movie stand out among the long list of upcoming films for the studio. Theron has a history as a great actress. She puts her all into her roles. Charlize Theron’s someone audiences can get excited to see, and that would add a lot more punch to the announcements for Fantastic Four.

Previously, Jessica Alba played Sue Storm in the 2005 movie. This was just before the Marvel Cinematic Universe got its start with Iron Man. While occasionally fans will bring up the movie and point out things that could be appreciated about this early take on the superhero group, it’s definitely not a highly-rated movie. That leaves a legacy that puts more pressure on this new Fantastic Four for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the kind of pressure that casting Charlize Theron could help mitigate. While many had hoped that Emily Blunt will take on the role, the actress has stated that she has no interest in joining a Marvel movie.

Of course, this is only speculation. We do not know what role Charlize Theron has signed on for. We also don’t know which Marvel movie will see her first appearance. We are anticipating that these official announcements will come from the studio soon.

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